Just a few observations on the 4400, Primeval, and Rome…
I doubt we’re going to hear from April again before the season finale…any witnesses claiming to have seen April Skouris within the last three months will undoubtedly be of questionable reliability (be they people with an interest in lying to Diana, people who were drugged or drunk at the time, etc)
…and once she knows definitively if her sister is alive or dead, Diana’s going to have to decide if she wants to stay in Seattle - and just as she’s about to give her answer, the screen will go to a To Be Continued. :)
I know I’m a Marco/Diana shipper…but I can’t help but be a Megan/Marco shipper too.
One of these days, we’re going to find out that there’s a bigger reason for her La Dolche Vita poster than just to intimidate people.
Fic challenge: Megan fic/drabble.
Nick’s wife left for eight years, Stephen’s girlfriend preferred spending time in Brazil, and the closest thing to a girlfriend Connor has is a pen pal.
Why do I get the feeling that the only one happily married is James Lester? :)
Are animals the only things that can cross Anomalies? Based on episode 3 of season 1, I’m guessing the answer’s No. (remember the steam?)
…and that means that maybe we can see gusts of wind blowing sheets of acid rain in from the era (however brief it was) between the age of ice literally covering the entire planet and the Tommytotian(sp)-Edicarian era.
…of course, an animal can be shot, spooked, or calmed; can be dealt with. A storm can only be waited out. (not very satisfying, probably, on a show)
Fic challenge: the most obscure British fossil. It can be alive, dead, or fossilized in the drabble/fic.
So…the fall of the Roman Republic can be squarely blamed on a gambling legionary officer who had the misfortune of exposing a cheater in a gambling den, eh?
Just wondering…when people make movies and tv series about the transition from the Republic to the Empire, why do they always focus on Caesar’s crossing of the Rubicon & on through the Ides of March? Why not jump ahead to the Triumvirate between Lepidus, Antony, and Octavian? Plenty of civil war there too.
(is it because Herod of Judea sided with Octavian, while the Nabataeans sided with Antony? Bit of a bad reason to omit the whole thing, I should think)
Wheee!, they’re eating dormice!
(there was a set of discussions in both TheQueenOfSwords egroup and CriticalEdge egroup (the latter being about Highlander the series and movies) about Methos and the foods of Ancient Rome…including dormice)
I have a bad feeling that we haven’t seen the last of slimeball cuckholder, that vile wretch of a man who forced a kiss upon sweet Niobe.
It was nice of Vorena (Lucius’ daughter) to take the blame, even if it does make it less likely she’ll get a good arranged marriage.
(“a house. Probably made of dung” “its very hygienic, sir”…did you see Vorenus’ face at that point? It was like ‘I was sarcastic, and you’re confirming it as truth?’) :)
Under Roman law, who stands to inherit the Vorenus household? There is only the one male in the family, and his claim is tenuous - is his existence enough to keep it from going to Lucius’s nephew (if he has any) ?
Fic challenge: Lucius Vorenus’ childhood, or the life of one of his ancestors.