Yay! 100th!: tonight's NUMB3RS

May 02, 2009 03:31

but first, a big round of applause for the cast and crew.

*standing ovation*

* keep this up, Charlie, and Amita's going to decide she doesn't need this sort of stress - there's eccentric, and then there's just plain out there.
(and she didn't exactly look comfortable when Charlie kissed her and Larry followed that up with "well that's interesting")

* all this talk of the Zodiac Killer and patterns...maybe I should've watched this episode after watching the program on codes and code-breakers (with Zodiac in there). it's like Barry Longyear writes in his anthology The Enemy Papers that if you read Enemy Mine before reading "the Drac Bible" (Talman, I think), you view the events from a human perspective; but if you read Enemy Mine *after* reading the Drac Bible, you view the events from a Drac perspective.

* raise your hand if you thought it was going to be the conspiracy theorist behind it all.

*raises hand*

* when that guy said Larry does astrology, I thought Larry would reply in kind - perhaps make an oblique snub to cryptozoology.

* there was the hope that Charlie would say "the student has surpassed the teacher"...suppose it was too much to ask for, eh?

* I think David conveyed the sprinkler idea better than Charlie did.

* aw, nobody said "sorry, before your time". :)

* that was an interesting expression on Nikki's face when Charlie told her to get her butt in gear. what's that expression? (and no, I don't know)

* I half expected (okay, more than half) that, en route to the house, Amita would stop at the tree, turn, and scream. Charlie would be a nervous wreck for months afterwards! (mwhahahahaha!)

amita, amita ramanujan, episode, review, numb3rs

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