Numb3rs double-drabble: "First, visit the home" & "Second, inform him'

Nov 22, 2008 02:03

I started writing this series right after Don walked into Temple and the credits rolled...but then the muses abandoned me.

Title: First, visit the home.
Author: Keenir
Characters: Alan, Peri (ofc)
Pairing: none
Prompt: #38: Discovery.
Category: Coda/after-ep filler
Word Count: 300
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Scan Man,
Disclaimer: I only own Peri. The rest belong to geniuses.

A/N: Takes place following

Alan answered the door. “Yes?” he asked. “Can I help you with something?”

“I’m sorry,” said the young lady. “I was given to understand that one Don Eppes lives here.”

“Oh he does, on occasion. I’m his father.”

“A pleasure to meet you,” she said, offering him her hand.

“Likewise. Alan Eppes.”

“Peri Groves,” she replied. “My parents were fans.”

“Ah. Come on in,” showing her to the living room. “If you don’t mind my asking, where’d you meet Don?”

“At Temple. He’s quite brilliant.”

“That he is,” Alan said, taking that in. Yesterday, Don had told him that he’d gone to Temple and talked with the Rabbi. Then again, wasn’t the old stereotype to marry the Rabbi’s daughter. “Just a wild guess, Peri - I can call you Peri, right? - your father’s the Rabbi there?”

“Not there, no - and yes you may,” Peri said. “I was fortunate enough to speak with your son. My father is Rabbi in the City.”

“This is the city.”

“The City.”

“Not - wait, why would you come all the way out here from Jerusalem, just to talk to Don? I mean, you do have phones, after all.”

“I came here to look for him. I did not know who he would be, until he walked into the Temple I was stationed at.”



“Then what’re you doing here?” Did Don and Robin have a falling-out? Alan wondered.

Peri looked at her hands, gripping the armrests, took a deep breath to steady herself. Looking at Alan, “I knew this would be difficult, but I hadn’t considered it might be awkward.” Before Alan could voice unease, “Your son is the man our people have been waiting for.”

“You don’t mean -”

Peri nodded. “Yes, I do.”

All Alan could say was, “Wow.”
The end of this chapter

Title: Second, inform him.
Author: Keenir
Pairing: Don/Robin
Characters: Don, Robin, Alan, Charlie
Prompt: #033: Uncertainty
Category: Coda/after-ep filler
Word Count: 210
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Scan Man,
Disclaimer: I only own Peri. The rest belong to geniuses.

A/N: Takes place the following morning.

Pancakes set out, the right number per plate, Alan took his seat and waited for Charlie to come in from the garage and for Don and Robin to come downstairs. Normally it was Charlie who might be late, but this time, he might be early by comparison.

“All right, pancakes,” Don said, setting knife and fork to breakfast. After taking a taste, pancake still in his mouth, “Hey wait a minute, there’re special pancakes.”

Robin frowned. Yeah, they’re delicious, but -

“What happened?” Don and Charlie asked their father at the exact same time.

“Why does anything have to be wrong?” Alan asked his sons.

“You never make special pancakes,” Charlie said.

“Unless something bad’s happened,” Don appended.

“That’s not true,” Alan said. “Among other occasions, I fixed them when Don got a job with the FBI.”

“You join anything, Chuck?” Don asked.

“No, not unless Amita signed me up for couples counseling again,” Charlie said. “You?”

“Nope. And Robin’s birthday isn’t for another month. Think I could borrow the recipe?”

“Sure,” Alan said.

Together, both sons asked, “Dad, did you join anything?”

“I didn’t join anything. You see…” And when Alan said told them what the Rabbi had told him about Don, the clatter of cutlery was perfectly understandable.
The end of this chapter.

author's note: the third drabble I couldn't figure out how to word here's the thing: Peri's convinced that Don is the Messiah.

eppes, temple, charlie, numb3rs, don, amita, numb3rs fanfiction, robin, peri, alan

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