meme: 20 questions

Nov 22, 2008 02:08

found this on AJ's lj...

01. What's the last DVD you watched?
Foyle's War series 2 episode 2.

02. What are you wearing at the moment?
pjs (and God bless the Indian language family for that word) :)

03. Who is your favourite writer?
non-fiction? David Quammen and Gerald Durrell, only because I haven't been able to find any of CJ Cherryh's nonfiction publications.

fiction? CJ Cherryh, Robert J. Sawyer, and some of the short-stories of Harry Turtledove.

04. What is your favourite scent?
about the only things I can smell, are things that make me vomit. sorry, but you asked.

05. What's that one movie you can watch over and over again and never get tired of?
The Day The Earth Stood Still

06. What do you drink the most?
root beer and cream soda and tea - almost never at the same time, though.

07. Is there a useless thing that you cannot brace yourself to throw out?
nothing is useless!
(it just takes effort to find what function it can fulfil)

08. What is your occupation? What do you do there?
between jobs atm.

09. What did you want to be when you grew up?
a frequent visitor to the library, and someone who has a friend.

10. What are your favorite song(s) of the moment?
none in particular, but Sertab Erener is always good to listen to.

11. What characters are overrated?
Charlie Eppes on Numb3rs
Stephen Hart on Primeval

12. What 3 people would you invite to dinner?
fictional - Dani Reese, Jo Lupo, and Lisbon (from Mentalist)

13. What is your current desktop?

14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
nonexistant, since I wasn't tagged.

but AJ is a great person.

15. What are you afraid of?
dry heaves

to quote Achmed the dead terrorist, "it hurts!"

16. Where would you love to go in your next holidays?
UK version - Turkey, England, Wales, Jordan, Chile, China, South Korea,
US version - somewhere to eat roast turkey and chocolate cake

17. What are you into right now?
speculating about what might evolve in the future, and what other things might have evolved - had history gone differently.

18. What did you do today?
went to BORDERS bookstore.

19. What do you want?

20. What should you be doing right now?

21. What's the meaning behind your LJ username/name/nicknames you go by?
Governor Dy-Rodlox of Edz'toolar, with asperations to become Emperor Rod-Rodlox of Land.

if you want to do this too, consider yourself tagged; if you don't want to, no need to.

question, meme, quintaglio, questions, meta

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