Numb3rs double-drabble: "Case file: Amita" & "Over ice cream"

Nov 21, 2008 23:36

Title: Case file: Amita
Pairing/Characters: Don, Nikki; mentions Amita.
#004: Learning.
Rating: PG
Summary: Amita is the object lesson for Nikki, and Don’s administering the lesson. (perfectly gen, I assure you)
Word Count: 265
Spoilers: 5.08
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters.
Coda to: (takes place after everyone catches some shut-eye)
Author's Notes: Nikki's behavior screamed "hey, wait a minute!" to me and to my Amita muse. so Amita-muse roped me into writing this.
References: I double-checked one fact at Wikipedia, about the full name of the organization.

"You wanted to see me?" Nikki asked, entering the conference room.

"Shut the door," Don asked.

"There a problem?"

"Probably not. But I need your opinion on something - have a seat."

When she was sitting down, Don slapped a closed folder on the desk in front of her. Nikki hesitated.

"Go ahead," Don said.

She opened her mouth, and let it hang there when she saw whose name was on the file. "Wait a minute," Nikki said. "This file's - it's for Amita."

Don nodded. "Amita Ramanujan."

"What's this about?"

"Figured I'd take a page from Chuck's book."


"Sorry, from my brother's book. That file lists all of Amita's terrorist connections."

Nikki frowned. "Amita's not a terrorist."

"She's Tamil." By descent.

"That doesn't mean -"

Don opened the folder, tapped one paragraph in particular. "The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam have been classed as a terrorist organization since '97. Amita's grandmother went to school with the wife of one of their more prominent generals, while her parents used to frequent a bakery run by an individual suspected of having close ties to LITE."

Nikki bit her lip. "Does your brother know? About these ties Amita has?"

"Nope," Don said.

"But the ties are real."

"Yep. A lot more real than the Syrian guy you wanted to investigate."

Ah. "Okay, I jumped the gun a little. I saw a major disaster -"

"And you went for the first thing that came to mind," Don said, nodding. "I understand. But like I said -"

"I need to be better than you."

"See, you're getting it."
the end

Title: Over ice cream
Sequel to ‘case file: Amita’
Pairing/Characters: Don, Amita
#067: Reservations.
Rating: PG

Summary: Amita and Don discuss what just happened.
Word Count: 194
Spoilers: 5.08
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters.
Coda to: (takes place after everyone catches some shut-eye)
Author's Notes: Nikki's behavior screamed "hey, wait a minute!" to me and to my Amita muse. so Amita-muse roped me into writing this.
References: I double-checked one fact at Wikipedia, about the full name of the organization.

With the completion of the first case in the wake of the train crash, the team and advisers were going to go out and celebrate. But everyone had insisted that they go somewhere new for a change - so Colby took them all for ice cream.

“Hey,” Don said, sitting down with Amita at a table once Charlie’d gone to the restroom.

“Hey,” Amita said.

“Well, it worked.”

Amita blinked, lips paused over the sundae. Then, “I’m glad to hear it.”

“Have to admit, there might’ve been easier ways to go about it.”

Amita nodded. “Maybe so. But you know her better than I do.”

“Which isn’t a hell of a lot more,” official file or no. “I think it worked, though.”

She smiled. “I’m glad.”

“Speaking of a hell of a lot more about anyone,” Don said. “I’m kinda surprised you volunteered yourself for a file like that.”

Amita shrugged. “I knew the connections were there. Not contacts, just aquaintances and passing by - but.”

“But a file wouldn’t necessarily distinguish unless it was in the notes. Clever.”

She smiled. “Besides, I was perfect for it - I’m the inguine. Nobody ever suspects me.”

Good point.
The end

amita, amita ramanujan, numb3rs fanfiction, numb3rs, drabble

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