"When time first coiled" (Eureka/Primeval drabble)

Jul 16, 2008 02:42

Title: When time first coiled.
Author: Keenir
Fandom: Primeval, Eureka
word count: 79-75-82
Characters: Jack Carter, Helen Cutter
Rating: PG
Spoilers: tiny ones for the invisibility ep, also for Cutter's speech to Lester (1.01) about ripping open the universe.
Challenge: Jurassic (at Primeval100)
Challenge: pre-series (at Primeval Denial)
Word count:
Disclaimer: I own nothing in either fandom.

Location: town of Eureka, at a classified location in the USA, present day:

"I thought you said you made a window into the past."

"I did, Sheriff," Dr Loeb said.

In reply, Sheriff Carter threw a paperweight through the opening.

Clarifying, Loeb said, "Before we can invent a mesh screen or a windowpane for this, first we have to study the window that we have."

"You made it."

"Yes, true, but does it have emergent properties?"

"Hopefully Henry and Callie will know what you're talking about - they're on their way over."

Location: Forest of Dean, southern England, 9 years ago:
Helen Cutter was hiking in the forest alone.

It helped clear her mind wonderfully, and it let her focus on more important things. Like the fact that Nick was still being distant.

Perhaps we need to go on another dig, like we did during our honeymoon.

And then she came upon it - or rather, it opened up right in front of her, giving her no time to react.

Gobbled up by the first Anomaly.
Location: mid-Jurassic, Germany:

Helen would've been fascinated by the flight strategies of Archaeopteryx here in the islands' tidal forests - as that would have answered several pressing questions in the field of paleontology - if she hadn't been trying to figure out what the devil had happened.

Like what the swirling bits-and-bolts of light were, why there were two of them, and who was this guy in the Jurassic with her.

"Who are you?" Sheriff Carter asked.

"Not sure how it's your concern," Helen replied.
The End

primeval, primeval fanfiction, crossover, eureka, eureka fanfiction, drabble

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