Iron Man ficlet

Jul 16, 2008 18:12

Stark's POV

characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, and a special guest.

Special thanks to Madripoor_Rose for the advice and assistance.


I'm doing this for Pepper. It's for her sake that I'm having Jarvis run background checks (all inconclusive thus far) on her mystery date, and am having Happy unearth his weaknesses, and convinced Rhodey to see what dirty international secrets Pepper's date has - it's a matter of national security after all (if Pepper gets turned into a double agent, we're all doomed!).

That's why I'm sitting here, incognito (yes, it is possible; I just don't do it much), keeping an eye on the two of them, making sure this shmuck doesn't try anything untoward.

He's putting a hand on Pepper's hand; that's far enough, pal. And she's laughing. Not smiling like she's been known to do at some of my antics and quips, but an outright laugh.

Now he's lowering his glasses - sunglasses, indoors? Shmuck. Can't really make out his face. Note to self: modify my IronMan optics to fit on a pair of bifocals.

Oh wait...Pepper's getting up. Probably excusing herself saying she has to powder her nose - I don't blame her for wanting to get away from this nut.

And while she's away, I'm gonna impress upon him that she doesn't want anything to do with him, and that he should go far far away as soon as possible, if not sooner. Getting out of the booth, I stand up -

"Mr. Stark," Pepper says, standing right behind me. How'd she do that? I turn around, not looking the least bit surprised, not one bit, perfectly expecting her to have snuck up on the master of disguise that I am (when I want to be).

"Fancy running into you here," I say.

"You followed me," Pepper says, matter-of-factly.

"Me? Now why would I do something like that?"

She just looks at me.

"Who is he?" I ask. Okay, I blurt out. Within reason, I mean.

"That, Mr. Stark," Miss Potts tells me, "is the question."
The End

author's note: if it weren't from Tony's POV, the double meaning of the last line wouldn't be a double meaning.

ps: yes, her date is The Question.

iron man fanfiction, iron man, the question, ficlet

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