3/3 "Djaq's sacrifice" Robin Hood AU

Jun 11, 2008 14:28

this was originally just a two-parter...but wyntertwilight convinced me to write a third part.

Fic Title: Djaq's decision (3/3)
Character/Pairing/OT3: Allan a Dale, Djaq "of Aleppo," Guy of Gisbourne, Marian of Knighton Hall,
Genre: AU
diverged: episode 2.05

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ALLAN'S POV:

Thing've been quiet back at camp. Everybody's trying to convince themselves that Djaq was the spy after all. 'Cause the alternative...

"Do you have something on your mind?" she asks me. I came over after a hijacking of a nobleman's carriage. I mean, after we lightened it of all the valuables onboard. Didn't much feel up for the inevitable mutual congratulations and light-hearted boasting that always follows, on the way back to camp - so I came here.

"Oh you know," I say, "this'n'that."

"And a question."

Two, really. But one first. "Why'd you say you were the spy when you're not?"

"The easiest fortress to take, is one whose Franj are at one another's throats." Makes sense, an' it's like I'd thought - if we don't think we have a spy in our ranks, we're not as about to turn on each other. Speaking of which, I think I'd best hold off on my reports for a bit - I don't want her sacrifice to be for naught. I mean, Djaq's not the spy, but I don't think Robin'll welcome her back with open arms.

"Makes sense," I say.

She nods. "And your other question?"

"I think I found you a job."

At first, she doesn't say anything. Then Djaq repeats the words to herself, mouthing them; I'm pretty sure I recognized pre-Norman English and Greek (grandmum married far below her station, drilled languages into mum and me) and a few other languages - Arabic? To me, "That is a question?"

"Well, I was going to ask you if you wanted it or not. I mean, it'll mean an improvement from sleeping out here on the forest floor." Or in the tree boughs, or wherever it is you sleep. If you sleep. "And a step up from even back at camp."

"I am listening," and not with that only-half-attentive tone Robin uses.

"Lady Marian is in need of a lady-in-waiting."

Djaq blinks, just looking at me.

"You'd get a roof over your head, at least two or three square meals a day, quality clothes that were never ratty and patched," like a thatch hut. "And you'd get pocket money to make purchases of your own too."

Still just looking. Waiting? On what? On me?

Okay, I admit, I thought it was a good argument, nice an' convincing.

"As you said," she says plainly, "I am not a spy."

"Nobody'd be asking you to be one." At least not right off; Sir Guy might decide on it after you've won over Lady Marian, but not til then anyways.

"And would I live in Knighton Hall or in the Castle?"

I shrug. "Wherever Lady Marian lives."

"And if I do not want this job?"

"I'll ask someone else if they're looking for an employee."

"Who? The Sheriff?"

"Don't know him," though Will does. "Don't think I could get an audience with him anyway."

She looks thoughtful - okay, moreso than usual; she's always thoughtful. "Very well, I shall accept this offer of employment," and she just looks at me like she expects me to say something profound. Not sure I can do profound; sorry 'bout that.

~~~~~~~DJAQ'S POV:

Once we're in the castle, all hooded and wearing heavy cloaks, Allan steps from alongside me to ahead of me as we enter one of the rooms upstairs of a pub. "And what do you have for me this time?" asks the distinctive voice of Sir Guy of Gisbourne.

"I brought Lady Marian's new lady-in-waiting," Allan says.

Guy turns about and looks at me. He recognizes me - I can see it on his face, however well he thinks he is hiding the expression. "You."

I nod. "Locksley Manor, yes."

"Gisbourne Manor," he says, an offhand correction.

Fine. Very well then.

I've never actually been this close to him for this long - normally, I'm hidden and watching, or am making an escape with the others. I'm out of practice at just being present.

He appraises me with his eyes. "We'll have to get you cleaned up before you can be presented to the Lady Marian," Sir Guy says.

Plainly I inform him that, "I have always been this shade."

"I've no doubt of that. What I spoke of was your clothing; it strikes me as being in need of a washing and perhaps a replacement with outfits more fitting your new station."

I dip my head respectfully as I was taught to do, many many years ago. "My apologies for my assumption. I thank you, Sir Guy." Allan seems impressed.

Guy brushes off my words like they're distractions, gnats and nothing more. "Go. Tell the servants how you take your water, and they will see to it."

Perhaps this is goodbye, Allan a Dale. I hope it is not.


I sit, covered in towels and sitting in a chair, facing and watching the water the serving women drew for me, as said water pools and cools slowly before my eyes. It has been so long since I have had a bath to enjoy. A bath where I do not have to worry over being seen by others.

My ancestors ruled The City itself, great and mighty Constantinople. But that was brought to an end two centuries before my grandfather was born. Since then, we have served with loyalty to princes and potentates. We are not mercenaries - we follow those we trust, not those who pay. I hope only that Marian inspires greater trust and faith when she is not in Robin's company than when she is.

"We shall see," I tell myself.
the end

djaq, au, robin hood, allan, robin hood fanfiction

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