"Djaq's decision" 2/2 AU of 2.05

Jun 11, 2008 02:47

2/2 "Djaq's decision" AU of ep 2.05 of Robin Hood
fandom: Robin Hood
category: AU
diverged: episode 2.05
POV: Allan's.

"I can't believe she did it. I mean I know she did it - I was there - but it doesn't make any sense.

On second thought, it makes perfect sense. Now that she's gone, there's nobody hurling accusations of treason and treachery about, and things're heading back to normal. Well, as normal as things get with us.

Can't stop thinking that she knew exactly what would happen. She's definately smarter than all of us, even Robin; ain't an easy thing to admit, but there it is. I mean, she kept Marian from dying - or brought her back from Death's Door.

Wonder if she figured on our reactions this far away. Much looks lost, like he's lost his best friend. Will's moping and sitting around dejectedly. So, genius that I am, I go over and sit alongside him; "What's up?"

"She shouldn't have left," Will says. Or sighs.

"Why's that?" I asked Much the same thing earlier, and he burned my ears off with hsi reasons and excuses.

"I loved her." Okay, wasn't expecting that. But hey, you know what they say - 'Nobody expects the Teutonic Inquisition!'

"An' was Djaq gonna get a say in it?"

"What?" he asks, looking at me.

"What I just said." I may be a thief, been called a grifter and worse, and I may be an informer, but I'm certainly not as Old-Fashioned as Will and Robin seem to be where and when women are concerned.

I get up and walk to elsewheres in the camp before Will can say something stupid like 'why wouldn't she love me?'


One thing I've learned thus far in life, and that's to always broach matters of employment with the most likely person - don't dally in talks with people who probably can't do beans about things like this.

"And I say again," Sir Guy tells me, "what matter is it to me that Robin kicked out the wrong person?"

"She needs work!" I say, then add, "Think of it, Sir Guy - you presenting the Lady Marian with a lady-in-waiting. Someone who you can be sure won't be covering or spying for Robin, because he'd as soon fire an arrow through her as through you or the Sheriff." Okay, a bit much.

"An intriging idea. I like it." Now you can dismiss the guards from watching Marian, which will likely increase her estimation of you. We both win. "And what skill sets will she bring with her, this Djaq of Aleppo?"

Not sure if she's really from Aleppo, but it'll do. "She's terrific at alchemy of all sorts...fixing bad wounds, whipping up medicines, and knows a bunch of languages too."


"She muttered in it just the other day."

"Good. Then inform her that I wish to hire her to be the Lady Marian's attendant. And give her this," and Sir Guy hands me a carved flat of wood just like what us Outlaws use - only within the circle, there's the Gisbourne family insignia.

Like me mum always said, when one door closes, another one opens. 'Course, that was before the roof fell in.
the end?

allan a dale, djaq, au, robin hood, robin hood fanfiction

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