1/2 "Djaq's decision" AU of ep 2.05 of Robin Hood

Jun 11, 2008 02:23

fandom: Robin Hood
category: AU
diverged: episode 2.05
POV: Djaq's
"I'll listen," Robin tells us. "Tell me what Gisbourne said. What he offered. Step forward now."

Before he can speak further, I take a half step forward, a step left of Allan, and one further step in front of Little John. "Stop. I am the spy."

"What??" Much asks, more incredulous than anything.

"No," Allan says. "Can't be." Oh?

"This," Little John says, "I do not believe."

"Why?" Robin asks me.

"Do you," I ask him, "want the full list? Or just one of them?"

"Either will do."

"You can't be!" Will exclaims. "You've got no reason to betray us."

I note nobody seconds him. "No? Aside from being addressed as 'the Saracen' at every turn, I have a number of other reasons."

"This I refuse to believe," Little John says in his quiet and firm way. "You are good."

"Thank you," I say. "And I am. I am an enemy of Saladin."

"Then why -?" Robin starts to ask. Very well, I shall drive the knife in deep.

"I have no reason to believe he will bring an end to his alliance with your precious King Richard." As everyone stands there, rooted, I unleash my vitrol: "My land and yours are better without!" If he does not react to that...

A clamour arises, everyone else shouting, though none of them move.

When Robin speaks, they all go silent. "Get out. Now, Djaq. Go!"

"Gladly," I say, and walk away. Away from what has passed for a home for me these past months. Into the woods. Towards...

Towards I know not what.


It is nigh on the middle of the night when I am visited. Allan a Dale steps into view, likely noting that I had not risen at the sound of his approach but have remained seated on this log. "You all right?" torch burning in one hand, face lit by its fire.

"Now there is no spy in Robin's camp," I answer.

His response surprises me: he comes closer, stopping on the opposite side (from me) of the embers which had cooked my dinner. "It wasn't you."

"It could be. I certainly have reason to be. And I am a greater target for suspicion." I am a woman, I am a foreigner, I am a Muslim, I am...

"Doesn't matter."


"No. You ain't the spy. So let's get you back to camp."



"Correct. I am staying here."

"No offense, Djaq, but if I can find you..."

"I am staying here until I can either find accomodation and an occupation, or until I can procure passage back home."

"I'm gonna guess you're not talking about back with Robin and the gang."

"Your guess is correct. And if you are intent on continuing this conversation, please be seated."

"Okay," and sits. He does not plop himself or crash down. "So. Got any ideas on where to try first? Wales? The Midlands? The Isle of Man?"

"I don't know," I admit. "Do you have any suggestions?"

"Not offhand," Allan says. "I do know some people; I'll ask around," and he must see something in my face by frelight, because he quickly adds, "quietly and confidentially, of course."

"Thank you," I say, smothering a yawn. Tired. "Was there anything else?"

"Eh - uh, no. Nothing that needs be said right now."

"So there is something."

"It can wait," standing in a hurry. "Thanks, Djaq, for letting me share your embers."

I enjoyed your company as well, such as it was. "You are welcome.

And he walkes off, reluctant. I watch as darkness swallows him.

tbc part 2

allan a dale, djaq, au, robin hood, robin hood fanfiction

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