4/? of "Djaq's decision" (Robin Hood AU)

Jun 12, 2008 01:47

Fic Title: Djaq's decision (4/?)
Character/Pairing/OT3: Allan a Dale, Djaq "of Aleppo," Guy of Gisbourne, Marian of Knighton Hall, Much.
Genre: AU
Spoilers: Turk Flu, episode 2.05, 2.06.


"Is that what you think, Sir Guy," Marian asked, "that I can be won over with pretty fabrics?"

"No," Guy said. "I know you are the hardest woman to win over in all of Europe." While Marian was trying to think of how to answer that, Guy said, "Enter," and someone came in. "Djaq of Aleppo, this is Lady Marian, your master in all things that do not endanger her."

"I will keep her safe," Djaq said.

The one thing Robin and Guy can agree on, Marian felt, and that's the need to keep me safe. "Is something happening, Guy?" Marian asked. "I mean, with this handmaid and all these new clothes..."

"Your new servant is a late arrangement, one I confess to you I should have set up months ago. As for the clothes, the King's birthday is coming up."

"Is that all?"

"There will be a meeting of noblemen," Guy said reluctantly, "during these festivities. The Sheriff and likely myself as well will be thus unavailable during the King's birthday celebrations. Thus we - I - ask you to preside over the celebrations in our absence."

"You ask?"

"I see no reason for the Sheriff to object."

Robin would have waited until Guy had left, then dropped down and chatted Marian up - but he could see that Djaq was here. Proving she is the spy after all. So he kept out of sight, which wasn't easy, given that Djaq knew where all the good hiding-and-observing spots were...and he left as soon as he could, resolved to warn Marian as soon as possible.

"If you know it to be something I would find distasteful, Guy," Marian said, "then surely it would be best if I -"

"Pick a dress," Guy said. "Attendance is mandatory for us all." On his way out, he said to Djaq, "Make certain she is present. She does not need to stay, but she needs to appear and be seen."

Djaq lowered her head, part bow, part nod.

Once Guy was gone (and so was Robin, off scouring the rest of the Castle), Marian turned on Djaq. "How can you do this?"

"Thus far," Djaq replied, "I have done nothing."

"You know what I mean. You're working for Guy now."

"Yes. Though I am surprised Robin has not already told you this. I am, after all, the spy he was looking for."

"You..." Marian asked, startled.



While Robin was away at the Castle, in pursuit of the Black Knights - and Marian, very likely, Much figured - the manservant re-read the note he'd found just now. He wasn't sure which was more frightening: the message written down on the lambskin, or the fact that it had been left here without the messenger being noticed.

Much, it read, Of all the gang, you're the one I trust to recieve this. You won't hide it for no reason, won't burn it just 'cause you disagree with it.

I was at the money drop this morning because I followed the trail leading up to it. Djaq talked a pretty pence, but I figured she was getting paid too; so I followed the trail she'd left before being run out of the forest.

Don't say 'you ran, and that proves you're the spy.' I ran because I know you lot - none of you would've given me a moment's peace til I snapped and did turn traitor just to shut you all up. Besides, if I'm seen fleeing the Outlaws, don't that make me trustworthy?

But what sticks out in me mind is that I was the only one who wasn't up on that hill. So if you lot "knew" I was a spy, then why, by Christ's Breeches, did you make Djaq leave?

The message ended there. But then, that was enough - more than enough - for Much.

He looked around, saw Little John weighing whether to use the bells or the hidden sword, one in either hand; saw Will engrossed in sanding smooth the recurved harp. Didn't know if it would be wise to show this to either of them. After all, Will needs Robin to be in the right - otherwise, that whole bit with the revenge and the Sheriff... and shook his head. Not a pretty thought.

Nor, to Much, was the fact that Robin had never said why he had assembled them on that hilltop overlooking what turned out to be a money drop.

Before, Much had been worried about his master. Now, he was worried about what his master was doing to everyone.


djaq, au, robin hood, allan, robin hood fanfiction

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