evil crossover plotbunny strikes again!

Apr 06, 2008 02:52

I was making sure I'd put the right tags on a drabble, just a few minutes ago...and lo and behold, what should bite, but -

Martha Jones (Dr Who) meets Mark Antony (Rome)

actually, any het or gen Who & Rome crossover would be loved and appreciated and frequently visited.

(or a Rome & Journeyman, or Life & Journeyman...can't you picture Dan showing up briefly in Pelican Bay for a minute, and leaving after confusing the hell out of Charlie?)

crossover, fic request, martha jones, dan vasser, request, rome, mark antony, life fanfiction, doctor who, martha, life, plot bunny, requests, plot bunnies, doctor who fanfiction, journeyman fanfic, journeyman, rome fanfiction

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