DESTINY: "Da Vinci Code," King Solomon, Mary Magdalene

May 18, 2006 23:19

Here's a really cool Psychic Prediction regarding Royalty. It's kind of a large image, but it was worth keeping everything in it.

If you look closely at the image, you'll notice some Visual Cues:
  1. Kevin:
    1. Notice Kevin in the Lower Right Corner
    2. I said 5/18/2006 that Isabella's Boyfriend is named Kevin
  2. Throne:
    1. I said 5/18/2006 about Kevin Conway born 5/29 as King Leo
    2. You see Kevin in the Picture above sitting on the Toilet
    3. Toilet = Throne
    4. I said 8/16/2005 that Madonna got THRONE (Thrown) off of her Horse on her Birthday
    5. Thro(WN) = Thro(NE) when Final(W) Sun(N/V in Greek/5/Leo) = Gemini Sun(NE/VE in Greek/55)
    6. It was the TRANSFER of the THRONE from the King (Elvis who died 8/16) to the Virgin Mother (Madonna)
    7. CHRISTopher Reeve (Superman) was also thrown from his Horse, which is how he became a Parapalegic
  3. Jerms:
    1. In the User Section, one of the "Random" Users is named Jerms
    2. Jerms = Germs
    3. Germs are unsanitary and found in a Toilet
    4. Germ = Virus
      V-IR u S = Sun(V) IR in Union with(U) Superman(S)
  4. "Da Vinci Code":
    1. I said 5/18/2006 about Mathematical Royalty
    2. The "Da Vinci Code" talks about the Fibonacci Sequence used to encode the information
    3. I said 1/23/2006 about the "Da Vinci Code" claiming that Mary Magdalene wasn't a whore but actually Princess and the Daughter of King Solomon
    4. I said I'm of Royal Blood and a Female. I said I qualify as a Prince/SS = Princess Gemini Superman(SS)
  5. King Solomon:
    1. Solomon = Solo/M-On = Single(Solo) 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) Activated(On)
    2. Mary Magdalene = MM = Gemini(2) M = Gemini 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island)
    3. M/AR-y = 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) IR(AR/1R in Roman Numerals) Male(Y)
    4. Ma/G-Da/Le-NE = Mother(Ma) Sun Gemini(G/7/VII) Giving(Da-Spanish) Definite(Le/The-Fr.) Gemini Sun(NE/VE in Greek/EE/55)
    5. M-A/GD/A-Le/NE = 5/29(M) God(A) Final(GD/74/W-Periodic) God(A) Definite(Le/The-Fr.) Gemini Sun(NE)
  6. Slutty Virgin Mary:
    1. I said 12/22/2006 that I'm a Slutty Virgin Mary
    2. I said 2/17/2006 that I'm a C/He-Ap D-IR/T-y W/Ho-Re
    3. That's because you have to IMPREGNATE people with THOUGHT. That's why I'm an "Information Whore" or an "Information Slut"
    4. I'm always "PREGNANT" with THOUGHT when I get PSYCHIC TRANSMISSIONS from People all over the Planet SEEDING me so that I give BIRTH to Ideas...LOL
    5. I said 12/20/2005 about the "Barbara Walters" Special where one Religious Figure said it's possible to have Sex with Virgins...LMAO
  7. Journal ID #1977858:
    1. 1977858 = Superman(19/S) IR(77-Periodic) San Diego(858 Area Code).
    2. Isabella Valentine lives in San Diego and the 619/858 Area Code
    3. Isabella Valentine = Love Consecrated by God
    4. Isabelo Rod = Ruler Consecrated by God
  8. Sunny Leone and Arielle:
    1. I said Isabella Valentine uses pictures of Sunny Leone
    2. I said 9/25/2005 (Christopher Reeve's B-Day) that Sunny Leone is the real Ariel from "Little Mermaid"
    3. Ariel(Sunny Leone) and Ariel (Ariel/Le) = Gemini Ariel
    4. Arie(L) = Arie(S) when Bad(L/Non-7) = Superman(S)
  9. 58 Friends:
    1. I said 5/15/2006 about the Toe Tag on the Dead Body of Angela's TWIN named ISABEL
    2. I said 5/18/2006 about Howard Crook born 5/8
    3. I said 5/16/2006 about the Mistake made on BBC 5/8 when they accidentally interviewed the Cabbie instead of the Expert
  10. King Solomon's Mines: I said that I have a Psychic Minefield set to DETONATE. If I was King Solomon, that's how you'd get King Solomon's Mines :o)
Because everyone abandoned me and I'm of Royal Blood, I transformed into the "King Solo/M-On." My S/On (Superman Activated) would be my Daughter...LMAO
  1. That's how I, as the MALE Virgin M/AR-y, gave B-IR/T-H to J-ES u S C-H/RI-S/T :o).
  2. I also qualify as Go/D = IR(Go-Spanish) Mother Gemini Superman(D/4/Mars/Ma/R-S)
  3. King/Do-M = King Fucks(Do) 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) = Rod Masturbating...LOL
  4. I said 10/22/2005 that my Mom as the "Other" Virgin Mother (Mother of the V/IR-Go) is born 12/8 = Letters L/H -= Left Hand...LMAO
  5. My Left Hand (LH/Mother) wrapped around my "Rod" was "God's Pussy"...ROTFL
How else do you think the Sun in our Solar System would project itself in impregnanting the TINIEST Virgin M/Ar-y ever? ROTFLMAO
  1. That's how my Mind as a "Fertile Intellectual Ovum" got IMPREGNATED with the Seed of Go/D.
  2. Only thought like this could come from a Supernatural or Other Worldly Force
  3. The Planet and Sun were FERTILIZING my Brain with Ideas.
That's why when I said 2/4/2006 that I'm plugged into the Electromagnetic Field as Queen Isabelo the Gemini (Queen Elizabeth II), I'm NOT KIDDING...ROTFL

I keep saying I'm a Bad Bluffer and that I've been playing with a Ace-High Royal Flush the entire time. It's the Highest Hand you could ever get in Poker. That's why Kevin's MySpace Name is "Poker I Dont Even Know Her"...ROTFLMAO

1208, poker, kevin, royalty, king solomon, ideas, lh, throne, mom, virgin mary, christopher reeve, madonna, god, slut, mines, leo, humor, birth, signs, predictions, mary magdalene, da vinci code, king

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