Here's a really cool Psychic Prediction regarding Royalty. It's kind of a large image, but it was worth keeping everything in it.
If you look closely at the image, you'll notice some Visual Cues:
- Kevin:
- Notice Kevin in the Lower Right Corner
- I said 5/18/2006 that Isabella's Boyfriend is named Kevin
- Throne:
- I said 5/18/2006 about Kevin Conway born 5/29 as King Leo
- You see Kevin in the Picture above sitting on the Toilet
- Toilet = Throne
- I said 8/16/2005 that Madonna got THRONE (Thrown) off of her Horse on her Birthday
- Thro(WN) = Thro(NE) when Final(W) Sun(N/V in Greek/5/Leo) = Gemini Sun(NE/VE in Greek/55)
- It was the TRANSFER of the THRONE from the King (Elvis who died 8/16) to the Virgin Mother (Madonna)
- CHRISTopher Reeve (Superman) was also thrown from his Horse, which is how he became a Parapalegic
- Jerms:
- In the User Section, one of the "Random" Users is named Jerms
- Jerms = Germs
- Germs are unsanitary and found in a Toilet
- Germ = Virus
V-IR u S = Sun(V) IR in Union with(U) Superman(S)
- "Da Vinci Code":
- I said 5/18/2006 about Mathematical Royalty
- The "Da Vinci Code" talks about the Fibonacci Sequence used to encode the information
- I said 1/23/2006 about the "Da Vinci Code" claiming that Mary Magdalene wasn't a whore but actually Princess and the Daughter of King Solomon
- I said I'm of Royal Blood and a Female. I said I qualify as a Prince/SS = Princess Gemini Superman(SS)
- King Solomon:
- Solomon = Solo/M-On = Single(Solo) 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) Activated(On)
- Mary Magdalene = MM = Gemini(2) M = Gemini 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island)
- M/AR-y = 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) IR(AR/1R in Roman Numerals) Male(Y)
- Ma/G-Da/Le-NE = Mother(Ma) Sun Gemini(G/7/VII) Giving(Da-Spanish) Definite(Le/The-Fr.) Gemini Sun(NE/VE in Greek/EE/55)
- M-A/GD/A-Le/NE = 5/29(M) God(A) Final(GD/74/W-Periodic) God(A) Definite(Le/The-Fr.) Gemini Sun(NE)
- Slutty Virgin Mary:
- I said 12/22/2006 that I'm a Slutty Virgin Mary
- I said 2/17/2006 that I'm a C/He-Ap D-IR/T-y W/Ho-Re
- That's because you have to IMPREGNATE people with THOUGHT. That's why I'm an "Information Whore" or an "Information Slut"
- I'm always "PREGNANT" with THOUGHT when I get PSYCHIC TRANSMISSIONS from People all over the Planet SEEDING me so that I give BIRTH to Ideas...LOL
- I said 12/20/2005 about the "Barbara Walters" Special where one Religious Figure said it's possible to have Sex with Virgins...LMAO
- Journal ID #1977858:
- 1977858 = Superman(19/S) IR(77-Periodic) San Diego(858 Area Code).
- Isabella Valentine lives in San Diego and the 619/858 Area Code
- Isabella Valentine = Love Consecrated by God
- Isabelo Rod = Ruler Consecrated by God
- Sunny Leone and Arielle:
- I said Isabella Valentine uses pictures of Sunny Leone
- I said 9/25/2005 (Christopher Reeve's B-Day) that Sunny Leone is the real Ariel from "Little Mermaid"
- Ariel(Sunny Leone) and Ariel (Ariel/Le) = Gemini Ariel
- Arie(L) = Arie(S) when Bad(L/Non-7) = Superman(S)
- 58 Friends:
- I said 5/15/2006 about the Toe Tag on the Dead Body of Angela's TWIN named ISABEL
- I said 5/18/2006 about Howard Crook born 5/8
- I said 5/16/2006 about the Mistake made on BBC 5/8 when they accidentally interviewed the Cabbie instead of the Expert
- King Solomon's Mines: I said that I have a Psychic Minefield set to DETONATE. If I was King Solomon, that's how you'd get King Solomon's Mines :o)
Because everyone abandoned me and I'm of Royal Blood, I transformed into the "King Solo/M-On." My S/On (Superman Activated) would be my Daughter...LMAO
- That's how I, as the MALE Virgin M/AR-y, gave B-IR/T-H to J-ES u S C-H/RI-S/T :o).
- I also qualify as Go/D = IR(Go-Spanish) Mother Gemini Superman(D/4/Mars/Ma/R-S)
- King/Do-M = King Fucks(Do) 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) = Rod Masturbating...LOL
- I said 10/22/2005 that my Mom as the "Other" Virgin Mother (Mother of the V/IR-Go) is born 12/8 = Letters L/H -= Left Hand...LMAO
- My Left Hand (LH/Mother) wrapped around my "Rod" was "God's Pussy"...ROTFL
How else do you think the Sun in our Solar System would project itself in impregnanting the TINIEST Virgin M/Ar-y ever? ROTFLMAO
- That's how my Mind as a "Fertile Intellectual Ovum" got IMPREGNATED with the Seed of Go/D.
- Only thought like this could come from a Supernatural or Other Worldly Force
- The Planet and Sun were FERTILIZING my Brain with Ideas.
That's why when
I said 2/4/2006 that I'm plugged into the Electromagnetic Field as Queen Isabelo the Gemini (Queen Elizabeth II), I'm NOT KIDDING...ROTFL
I keep saying I'm a Bad Bluffer and that I've been playing with a Ace-High Royal Flush the entire time. It's the Highest Hand you could ever get in Poker. That's why Kevin's MySpace Name is "
Poker I Dont Even Know Her"...ROTFLMAO