You've Become What I Hate, Sold Yourself For A Bit Of Fame: Chapter Eleven

Apr 14, 2012 16:56

Summary: Alex has just moved for the last of many times to Dulaney High school. He has decided that this is the year and school that he will try and become "popular" but if that happened would it be a bad thing? And will finding a new friend, that may think of him as more, also affect it?....
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, sadly. Title goes to Bite My Tongue-You Me At Six, Cut goes to Sanctuary-Paradise Fears
A/N: At the End


Chapter Eleven

Algebra sucked. Alex was pretty sure that it was the worst subject to ever have been taught in school in the history of ever. He never paid the subject any attention, why bother? This shit wasn't used in real life! Or, at least not the life that Alex was gonna have, he was gonna be a singer. And who the fuck cares about what the value of X was when you were singing your heart out on-stage to millions of adoring fans? Exactly. No one. He decided to do what he always did in that class and let his mind drift.

He chose to think about the party tomorrow. He was still pretty shocked that Kellin had chosen him to be his date. Kellin was sexy, popular, AND the host. Alex was pretty excited. Okay, so maybe he was fucking unbelievably, crazily excited, but who wouldn't be? Kellin was just that sexy.

Gaskarth was kinda worried though, he didn't have anything to wear. He had to look good for Kellin, and him being the host's date and all, everyone would be looking at him so he had to look great, not that he didn't always look great. He would have to go to the mall after school and get some new clothes, maybe he'd even get a pair of skinny jeans, Kellin had been wearing them so it was probably fine if Alex did. Besides, it would feel great to get out of these fucking baggy jeans for a while and be back in skinny jeans, baggy jeans were seriously pretty stupid looking.

Alex tilted his head when he heard some sniggering coming from his left a bit. It was Jack. Of course it was, Alex would know his best friend's laugh anywhere, it was adorable. It was weird though. The weird thing wasn't that Jack was giggling, it was that Alex wasn't the one making Jack giggle. Alex was always the one that made Jack giggle.

He turned his head all the way to see who could be doing his job and glare at them to make them stop. He was popular, anyone he glared at would get the hint and move the fuck away. He was prepared to see some spotty loser that he probably wouldn't know the name of, or forget as soon as he was told it. He was shocked when he saw who it was though. It was Josh!

Now that was a surprise. Alex thought that the two hadn't spoken since Ben's party, when they were drunk. They certainly hadn't spoken before now, other than maybe a quick hey or hello. But that was all.

Alex himself had barely talked to either boy much in the past fews days, other than Josh telling him to talk to Kellin about his party, but that was it. Josh had been getting kinda annoying lately, always wanting to go on about some punk-pop band that, at any other time, would be something that Alex would love to talk about, but around other 'popular' kids that was not the type of subject to bring up, surely Josh knew that? The blonde boy was always quick to change the subject and hope that Josh got the hint, but apparently this was not so.

Jack, on the other hand, was a different story.

Alex had kept true to his promise to himself and hadn't mentioned a word of the party to Jack. In truth though, this wasn't so hard considering they really hadn't been talking as much as they used to. Jack just seemed a bit mope-y lately and Alex didn’t know what the fuck was up, he supposed that it was about Rian moving away, but seriously, the kid had moved away about two weeks ago and Jack really needed to get over it. It's not like things like computers and phones didn't exist.

Alex had decided that the Lebanese boy needed space to get over it, he had been sending Alex random weird looks so Alex had assumed it was because Alex wouldn't leave him alone. Even though it was kinda hard for Alex to leave Jack alone so much, he did it for the dark haired boy, getting rides to school with Dan, not bothering to eat lunch with him, and other things that let Jack know that the blonde was happy to give Jack the space he wanted.

It was still a mystery as to why Jack and Josh were suddenly all buddy-buddy though. Like, what the fuck? Alex was the one who introduced the two and if he hadn't given Jack the honour of bringing him to Ben's party then Barakat would probably still think that Josh was a stuck-up "popular".

Alex was seriously pissed though, so Jack would be all friendly, nice, and talk to Josh but wouldn't talk to Alex, who was supposed to be his "best friend"? And Josh was Alex's friend. He was popular. Why was he hanging around with Jack who was, not exactly a loser, but still wasn't popular? Whatever. Alex couldn't care less.

Alex just hoped that Josh now being best friends with Jack wouldn't tell him about and invite him to, Kellin's party, because Gaskarth really didn't want to deal with Jack's bitching and moaning about how it was gonna be unsafe, how he had to keep his promise not to do drugs this time, and how mean and stupid of Alex it was that he hadn't told Jack before.

Gaskarth heard the giggling again, this time mixed with Josh's and shot them a glare. The teacher at the front of them room told them to break into partners for some stupid project and let the class to it.
Jack and Josh walked over to Alex, Josh looking way more pissed then being glared at should allow. Jack was the one who spoke though,

"What was the look for Alex?" He asked, not in a mean way, merely curious, sounding a bit hurt actually.

Alex blushed and then said, voice a bit hard, "Well. If you must know, you two were over there giggling like two eight year old school girls and some of us, actually want to pay attention and learn things."

Jack looked confused, he knew Alex couldn't give a single fuck about Algebra, claiming that he would be a singer or something, and wouldn't need it. So he said, "What? Like you? You don't pay attention in this class."

Alex blushed again and sputtered, "Pshh, what would you know Jack? I love this class, in fact, don't bother asking to work with me on the project like we usually do, because I'm gonna get an A working by myself."

Jack merely shrugged and said, "Okay, well actually Josh and I were already partners so I wasn't going to ask, but uh, have fun on you own I guess."

He started to walk away, Josh at his heels and telling him a joke when Alex yelled, not realizing it was loud enough for probably the whole class to here, "Fine Jack! I don't need you! I will have fun on my own! I'm a fucking genius!"

Jack just turned back a looked at him with pity before walking out with Josh. Alex stood there panting annoyed at Jack for being a dickhead. And pissed at himself because now he had to work by himself on this fucking project and he had no fucking idea how to do any of this stuff. Great.


Alex stormed through the hallways after slamming his locker shut. He didn't talk to anyone, even though a lot of people tried to talk to him about stuff that he didn't care about. He knew they just wanted to look cool getting a "popular" to talk to them. He stomped out the door and tried to look for his car. He then remembered that his mom had dropped him off at school that morning then told him that she had to work late so couldn't pick him up as well. Alex had shrugged it off assuring her that Jack would bring him home.

He sighed. Well that probably wasn't going to happen. He stood outside for a minute then heard a car beep at him. Someone yelled, "Hey Gaskarth!"

His head shot up hoping it was Jack noticing that he needed a ride home and taking pity on him, but he had said "Gaskarth" and not "Lex" which is what Jack would call him. And besides, that wasn't Jack's voice.

The mystery car pulled up in front of him and his heart started to beat erratically as he recognized the driver. It was Kellin.

He was smiling that signature cocky smirk of his, as he said, "You need a ride home?"

Alex tried to act confident. He could do this. It was just an unbelievably sexy man asking if he needed a ride home. It was fine. Stay cool. He did his signature smirk and raised an eyebrow as he said, "Who's asking?"

Kellin laughed and said, "Oh shut up and get in the car already."

Alex waited a second and then did.

"So, you just pick up random people at their schools and drive them home?"

Kellin looked at him, with a twinkle in his eye, "Only the really sexy ones, " he purred.

Alex fought back a shiver. Kellin was just too much! Instead of a incoherent mumble he was able to say, "Hmm, I see. Well thanks anyway, but why were you at my school?"

Kellin smirked, "Couldn't wait until tomorrow to see you babe. And I don't know where you live, so how else am I gonna pick you up?"

Alex bit his lip, "Oh. Well, that makes sense..."


The rest of the short car ride was made up of Kellin saying adorable, sexy, or funny things to Alex, Alex responding with what he thought was the best thing to say, but thinking that he sounded like an idiot most of the time. Finally, they pulled up at his house. That was painful, the blonde wasn't worried about tomorrow though, because he'd be a lot less nervous when he was drunk.

The car stopped and Alex said, "Well, this is it..."

He turned to thank Kellin and was surprised to find his face suddenly attacked again by the dark haired boy. Alex was frozen in shock for a moment and then noticed that Kellin was biting his bottom lip, tongue begging for entrance, Alex complied and their tongues fought for dominance, Kellin's eventually winning.

They made out for a few minutes until Kellin pulled back. Alex's mind was again full of fog, he tried to get his breath back as he stuttered, " for the lift h-home. See you tomorrow."

Kellin smiled and said, voice husky, "Looking forward to it."

He drove away and Alex stumbled to his front door, really glad that his parents weren't home. He was really excited for tomorrow.


A/N: So finally another Alex chapter! I think this went okay, not sure though so comments would be greatly appreciated. Hopefully the next update will be soon, considering I have the week off school next week, but we'll see if I can actually be bothered to sit down and write. Anyway, thanks for reading!

fanfiction, alltimelow, josh franceschi, bandom, jack barakat/alex gaskarth

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