You've Become What I Hate, Sold Yourself For A Bit Of Fame: Chapter Ten

Apr 08, 2012 07:48

Summary: Alex has just moved for the last of many times to Dulaney High school. He has decided that this is the year and school that he will try and become "popular" but if that happened would it be a bad thing? And will finding a new friend, that may think of him as more, also affect it?....
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, sadly. Title goes to Bite My Tongue-You Me At Six, Cut goes to Show 'Em The Ropes-A Day To Remember
A/N: At the End


Chapter Ten

The two boys pulled into Jack's driveway. Jack was glad that his mom always had to work and wasn't home at the moment because, as much as he loved her, she always seemed to enjoy watching Jack squirm as she embarrassed him in front of his friends. Especially ones she hadn't met before. His sister wasn't home either, she had moved out about a year ago.

He turned to Josh, "So I guess it's just you and me, my mom is at work."

Josh laughed, "That's cool, my mum's never 'round either, she works literally all the time, ya know, single mum and all that."

Jack smiled. He definitely knew that he and Josh were gonna be close. He could already see himself being best friends with the guy, he was cool and Jack liked him. They obviously wouldn't be as close as he and Alex had been were, but that was a whole other story.

"Me too," He said, "Guess we have something else in common, apart from our impeccable music taste, " he said with a wink.

The two then got out of the car and started toward the house. "Nice place," Josh said, probably just trying to be polite more than anything. When they got inside Jack said, "So before we go to my room I'm gonna grab something to eat because Im fucking starving! You want anything?"

Josh just laughed again, "Sure, I'm always up for food, whatcha got?"

They went into the kitchen and grabbed everything the could get their hands on, whether they found it appetizing or not. Jack then grabbed a couple beers and they headed down to his basement bedroom.


A little while later while they had chucked everything onto the floor, put one of the cds in, and sat on the floor themselves Jack realized that he hadn't exactly thought out their plan. When he had asked Josh to come to his house to listen to their cds he hadn't really thought about the fact that when you listen to music you kinda have to be doing something as well.

As it was the two had just been sitting awkwardly eating junk food and being awkward. Once in a while one of them would try and start a conversation about the song by saying something like "Oh, that was cool" and "I've never heard something like that before" to which the other would respond with "Yeah" or just hum in agreement.

Finally, after about half of a cd spent in awkwardness Josh decided that he would be the one to start a conversation. See, he had wanted to be friends with Jack ever since Ben's party, but had been a bit too shy to ever talk to him and they hadn't really talked since then. After Oli had moved away Josh had wanted someone to hang out with and many times thought that he'd probably have fun with Jack. He would have hung with Alex but he seemed to be acting a bit strange lately.

The trouble was Josh had wanted to talk to Jack and be his friend all this time but, his being shy just left him hoping that Jack would talk to him first, which, obviously, didn't happen. Since Rian had moved away Josh had thought that maybe Jack would finally start talking to him, but again, it hadn't happened. This is why Josh was so excited when he ran into the Lebanese man at the record store and even more excited when he invited him over.

Josh decided that he would get to know Jack by asking him about his problems. It sounds strange but that's generally how Josh made friends, he just liked helping people. And he had noticed that Jack had seemed down lately, which was probably just because of Rian moving, but still, he decided to ask.

He turned down the music, not low enough to not be heard, but low enough so the two could talk without having to yell and then asked, "So Jack, you've seemed a bit down lately, what's up?"

The English boy asked in a soft voice that seemed interested but not prying.

Jack raised his head from the most recent junk food item that he was eating and looked at Josh. He was surprised. Not only by the strangeness of this being the way that Josh wanted to start a conversation, and at the fact that he had noticed him being "down". Apparently this whole Alex thing had affected him more than he thought.

At first he was reluctant to tell Josh, he barely knew him and it would be weird, right? But then he decided that he did want Josh as a friend and would probably be sympathetic about the whole issue. Besides, it would probably do Jack good to just tell someone his problems for once.

So finally he said, "Um, yeah. Well, actually, it's, uh, it's Alex."

'Oh,' Josh thought, 'Well that's a surprise,' He seriously had been pretty sure that it was the thing about Rian, he didn't even think about it having anything to do with Alex.

"Alex?" He asked.

Jack decided that he would tell Josh everything. Even the bit about his being completely in love with little crush on Alex.


So he did.

He told Josh about how Alex had first moved to their school and Jack had thought he was the most gorgeous guy he had ever seen. How they had become fast friends and hung out all the time. How Jack had realized that he like Alex more than a friend. How Alex had told him that he wanted to be "popular", he left out the part where Alex had told him about his brother, that was his story to tell, not Jack's. How they practically re-did Alex's wardrobe and taught him how to be "cool, how Alex had instantly fallen in with the "in crowd" but still always made time for Jack no matter what, Alex taking him to Ben's party. Finally, he told Josh about all the weirdness that had been happening lately making Jack feel worthless, not worth Alex's time, in turn making Jack's heart hurt, and also about that day. Alex was supposed to meet him at the record store like always where he and Josh had met and had yet to call or give a reason for his absence.

Jack finished with a large sigh. "So that's it I suppose. That's why I seem a bit "down" or whatever," He made air quotes around "down" teasing Josh and trying to lighten the mood. "But it's cool. I'm sure I'm just over-reacting and he'll get over this bitchiness soon. I mean, who knows? Maybe he has a perfectly fair reason for not being there today, maybe he got into an accident or something," He said then shrugged.

Josh, who had been listening quietly the whole time nodding and paying attention intently now just looked pissed.

"No Jack. It's not "cool". He's being fucking horrible to you! And I know for a fact that he didn't have a legitimate reason for not being there! I was with him before I went to the record shop myself! He was fucking hanging with me and the crew!" He said, this time he was the one making air quotes, around the words "cool" and "crew".

"R-really?" Jack asked shocked, looking like a kicked puppy.

"Yes!" Josh yelled, looking seriously pissed.

Jack sat staring blankly at one of his many posters and thinking. Alex was really being a bitch lately. The younger boy honestly didn't know how much more of this he could take. Part of him wanted to confront the blonde but a bigger part was just too scared. He still  loved had a crush on Alex even through this pain and that in itself was annoying as fuck.

He snapped out of it though to look back at Josh because he looked like he was going to punch something.

"Whoa, Josh, cool it. It's really fine. I'm sure he'll get over it soon. I know Alex," Jack said, really just trying to calm Josh down before he did anything rash, he actually didn't know if Alex would get over it, or if he even knew him any more.

Josh took a deep breath and looked back at Jack. "Okay, I'm calm," He said, actually sounding a lot calmer than he did a few seconds ago, "But Jack?"


"Promise me that if he keeps being like this to you or things get worse between you that you'll confront the dumbfuck about it, "

Jack laughed, "Yeah, sure Josh, will do."

Josh looked satisfied for the time being and Jack suggested that they play video games. The pair were happy for the next few hours, Josh's plan to make conversation effectively breaking the initial awkwardness. Jack decided that he was really glad that he had run into Josh at the record store, he certainly was turning out to be a great friend.

He thought about what he had promised him though and wasn't so sure that he'd be able to go through with it. For now he'd just have to hope that things didn't get that bad.


A/N: All right, so I kicked writers' block in the ass and this is what I got. I hope no one is pissed that this is another Jack/Josh chapter and not very Jalex but I wanted to establish their friendship because they are adorable as friends and Jack deserves a friend right now, don't you think?

Also, I wrote this in the note of a one-shot that I posted last night but I'm pretty sure that no one read that considering it was a Jack/Ben Bruce pairing instead of Jalex so I'll put it in this one as well. I was thinking that it would be fun to co-write a fic with someone because I've never done that before, so if anyone would be interested then tell me and I'd definitely be up for it!
(If anyone wants to read the one-shot, which I think is quite good, here is the link

Anyway thanks for reading my book of an authors' note and my fic, and, of course, commenting because comments make me squeal and make my day, so yeah, thanks! I'm done now, thanks again! :D

alltimelow, josh franceschi, bandom, fan fiction, jack barakat/alex gaskarth

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