You've Become What I Hate, Sold Yourself For A Bit Of Fame: Chapter Twelve

Apr 22, 2012 19:00

Summary: Alex has just moved for the last of many times to Dulaney High school. He has decided that this is the year and school that he will try and become "popular" but if that happened would it be a bad thing? And will finding a new best friend, that may think of him as more also affect it?....
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, sadly. Title goes to Bite My Tongue-You Me At Six, Cut goes to Cute Without The 'E'-Never Shout Never
A/N: At The End


Chapter Twelve

Alex had been home for about an hour and had pretty much just been lying on the couch watching whatever boring show was on and eating anything he could find. This had gotten so horribly boring that he decided that now was the time that he should go get something to wear for the party tomorrow. He quickly scrawled out a note for his parents saying where he would be, seeing as they would be home in about half an hour, and got in his car.

He was in a good mood after his little "incident" with Kellin after he had dropped him at his house and decided to search under the back seat of his car for the cds that he had put away when he had started being "popular" and put one on. He finally found the one that he wanted to hear, his favourite Blink album and put it in the radio. He smiled as he started the car and started towards the mall.

When he was almost there though, a song came on. The cd was about halfway done and Alex had been singing along his loudest to every song, earlier pissed mood at Jack completely forgotten, but now that this song came on everything came flooding back. That song was their song.


When he had first gone to Jack's house everything had been awkward, the two boys had stood in Jack's bedroom just kind of standing there. After a moment Jack had awkwardly coughed and mumbled, "So, uh, do you like music?"

Alex had laughed at the absurdity of the question, 'Did he like music?'

"Depends Jack, you like air right?"

Jack had smiled and laughed back, "Fair enough."

The Lebanese boy had then gone to his enormous cd collection that took up a shelf the width of his whole wall and grabbed one. He put it on and Alex had smiled, "This is pretty much my favourite fucking cd ever," he had said excitedly with a huge smile on his face and practically jumping up and down.

Jack had laughed and said, "Really? Me too."

They had sat discussing the cd, Blink, and music in general for about fifteen minutes and then the song came on. Alex loved this song so much that he couldn't help but sing it every time he heard it, no matter who he was talking to or what he was doing.

He did so now in the middle of a sentence without realizing it, only noticing Jack's shocked look during the first guitar riff. He had blushed deeply and stuttered out an explanation, thinking Jack would think that he was a freak and kick him out of the house. Jack did nothing like that. He had laughed his infectious laugh again and said,

"This is my absolute favourite song too, I was just surprised that it was someone else’s, I mean most people don't think it's that great. And don't be embarrassed about your singing, you have a fucking amazing voice."

It was then Jack's turn to blush at the bluntness of his compliment, Alex brushed it off and the two had sang and danced to the rest of the song together, playing it again a couple times because they loved it so much. Ever since then it had been their song and it always made Alex think of Jack.


The blonde smiled now as he thought of that day and then he frowned as he remembered that he was pissed at Jack. He then did something that he had never done before and only did it now because thoughts of Jack were flying into his head at a million miles an hour and he couldn't bare it, so he skipped the song.

He didn't think about it too much though because that was when he pulled into the mall's parking lot.

He turned off the car and took a deep breath pushing thoughts of Jack out of his mind and deciding to focus on finding a sexy, cool outfit for the party tomorrow. He always did get lost in his shopping, one of his more gayer aspects, that Jack would usually tease him about. He quickly pushed away the last thought of Jack and rushed into the mall.


Meanwhile, after school Jack and Josh had decided to hang out again. It wasn't exactly a hard decision after the night before had gone so well. The two really were getting on great, and Jack had noticed that Josh had filled the gap that Rian had left, even though he still really missed the other boy. The gap that Alex was leaving on the other hand, well Josh was kind of filling that, although Jack really did only like Josh as a friend, nothing more.

The pair had decided to go to the mall today after school, Josh had said that he had to get a new outfit to impress Hayley at some party. He had explained to Jack that he had a huge crush on the red head and really wanted to say something to her about it, but was just too shy, Jack had laughed and said that he should grow a pair and make a move, Josh had just given him a look. Jack had coughed and mumbled, "The thing with Alex is different."

Josh had also explained to Jack about some party or something, but Jack hadn't really been listening because he had zoned out thinking of the "thing" with Alex now that Josh had annoyingly brought it up.


So now they were sitting in the food court of the mall after going clothes shopping for about a half hour. Josh had finally given in to Jack's complaining about taking a break and going to get some food.

The English boy had to admit, for a gay guy Jack really seemed to hate shopping.

The thing is, it wasn't really the shopping that Jack was annoyed with it was the fact that he usually went shopping with Alex and it was weird doing it without him. Also, Josh had constantly been asking him if he looked good and if he thought that Hayley would like some shirt that he was wearing and Jack was getting a bit sick of it. How the hell would he know what girls liked in a guy?!

The two were eating some pizza that had just arrived and were talking about random things when Jack asked, really just out of courtesy than anything else, about the party that he was shopping for.

Josh looked a bit surprised and raised an eyebrow, "Alex hasn't told you about it?"

Jack looked confused, "No? Why? Is it something that he knows about?"

Josh bit his lip, he felt a bit angry at Alex, why hadn't he told Jack? He felt that, given he and Alex's history with parties, it was Josh's responsibility to tell Jack, though he wasn't sure how he'd take it.

"Um, well yeah, he's known for a couple days actually. You know Kellin Quinn?"

Jack nodded, he'd heard of him, who hadn't?

"Yeah, well it's his party and I introduced him to Alex and I'm pretty sure that Kellin asked him to be his date," Josh finished and then held his breath wondering if Jack was going to freak out, start yelling, call Alex, or burst into tears, Josh wasn't quite sure what would happen, but he didn't expect what Jack did. Nothing.

"Oh. Well. That's cool, hope you guys have fun then." He smiled, "You better talk to Hayley or I'll be pissed, when is it again?"

Josh was really confused but he decided not to push it further, he sensed Jack didn't really want to dwell on it and Josh, being the soft hearted person that he is, didn't want to upset the Lebanese man.

"Tomorrow night, you should come Jack, it'd be fun, we had a great time together at Ben's"
Josh searched Jack's face to see how he would reply but his expression didn't change.

"Nah, thanks man, but I'm good, maybe next time, I'm gonna go get a napkin, you need anything?" Josh shook his head and then Jack got up and walked toward the napkins.

His thoughts were going crazy. How could Alex do this to him? Get invited to another party and then just not tell Jack. And Alex talking to Kellin had probably been the reason that he hadn't come to the record store. Jack had never liked Kellin. And apparently the two were each other's dates?! Apparently Jack wasn't cool enough to be Alex's date to anything. Jack was pretty hurt, not to mention really fucking jealous.


Alex walked out of the clothing store. He sighed, he still hadn't found anything to wear to this party. He couldn't find anything that looked right. Obviously, everything that he had tried on looking fucking fantastic on him, but nothing gave off the right vibe for Kellin's party, and his outfit needed to be perfect. His stomach growled then and he decided to go to the food court and get something to eat.

When he walked in he didn't expect to hear what he did, and at first he didn't think that he actually did. It was Jack's god damned laugh again.

Alex wasn't sure he heard it because he knew he was the only one that made Jack laugh. Then he remembered earlier that day and scowled. He looked around the many tables crowded with people and finally saw Jack, he smiled involuntarily and then saw Josh and went back to scowling.

They were seated quite close to Alex so he could hear what they were saying pretty well. He was sure that they couldn't see him so he decided to sit down where he was, a few feet from the napkins and soda machines, and listen to what was so fucking funny.

After a moment he heard Josh telling Jack about Kellin's party. Shit. Alex's face went red in anger, what was Josh doing?! Now Jack was gonna be all over his dick bitching about the party. Then Josh invited Jack! Alex held his breath as he waited for Jack's answer. 'Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes'  'Say no. Say no Say no' he thought. He then heard Jack turn Josh's invitation down and his heart sank was relieved.

He heard Jack say that he was going to get napkins. Alex panicked trying to decided what to do then he got up and went to refill his Coke.

Soon he heard a voice behind him, "Alex?" his voice sounded shy, like he almost wasn't sure how the blonde boy would react.

Said boy turned around and act surprised to see him, "Oh, hey Jack! How's it going!" he said brightly.

Jack's face was void of any emotion, it was just blank. This was really strange to Alex, he had always been able to read Jack like a book.

The dark haired boy just smiled, but it seemed false, "Oh, ya know, good, so whatcha doin' here?"
Alex decided to lie. Jack hadn't brought the party up yet, but Alex sure as hell wouldn't. He knew it was only a matter of time before Jack yelled at him though.

"It's my dad's birthday soon, I was just looking round for something to get him." Alex looked at Jack's face, it didn't look like he thought Gaskarth was lying, it didn't look as if he believed him, but still.

"Oh. Cool, well good luck then. I better get back to Josh, see ya 'round. I guess."

Alex stood there in complete disbelief as Jack grabbed a napkin and went back to he and Josh's table. He hadn't even mentioned the party, or said anything that he suggested that he even knew about it. What the fuck?

Alex stood there for another minute or two, then shook his head to clear it and went back to his shopping.

Some part of him was kinda pissed at Jack. Why didn't he bring it up? Didn't he care about Alex? Why wasn't he saying that it was dangerous? Why wasn't he forcing Alex to take him with that adorable puppy dog look on his face that Alex couldn't resist?

He walked into another clothing shop and tried to get lost in shopping like he usually did and forget thoughts of Jack. But all hopes of not thinking about Jack were completely useless.


A/N: So um yeah, sorry that this was like a week over due even though I said that I would update in a few days or something....but my grandma had to have surgery and she lives in Spain and because I now live in America it was all complicated to figure out how things were going but it's all good now so updates SHOULD be more frequent...hopefully. Also, sorry if it is painfully obvious that I'm putting off the chapter/chapters about Kellin's party but I am rather horrible at writing those types of things and besides, I think this chapter is needed. Any who, now is when I thank you all a billion times for reading and shamelessly beg for comments!

alltimelow, josh franceschi, bandom, fan fiction, jack barakat/alex gaskarth

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