Monthly rec round-up: April

May 06, 2013 16:12

Here's the monthly round-up for April, sorted by category. Thanks to the fabulous April reccers!

d0llface_h00ker, Challenges
[ art ] beelikej : Sam & Dean and the Curse of the Were-Rabbit - Sam, Dean
[ fic ] hkath : She's a Handsome Woman - J2
[ fic ] kerfuffling : Consequentiality - Sam/Dean
[ vid ] secretlytodream : Change Your Name And Come Seek Me - J2

inyourwings, Dean/Castiel
[ vid ] ablazingwings : The Profound Bond
[ fic ] chainedtoacomet : Point Pleasant
[ fic ] dachinchilla : A Judicious Application of Free Will

geckoholic, Gen
[ fic ] musesfool : Ashtray Floors, Dirty Clothes, and Filthy Jokes - Sam, Dean
[ fic ] electricskeptic : Through a Mirror, Dimly - Dean, Meg
[ fic ] roque_clasique : About Face - Dean, Sam
[ art ] artsyunderstudy : Untitled - Dean, Charlie

tebtosca, Het
[ art ] elsiehb : Sam and Jess - Sam/Jess
[ fic ] saltandbyrne : A Warm Gun - Victor/Bela
[ fic ] dugindeep : Bus Stop, Bus Goes - girl!Jensen/Jared
[ art ] gassadaa : Comfort - Dean/Lisa

xenoamorist, Invited reccer
[ fic ] TheGeminiSage & callowyn : Cambionverse - Ben, Claire, Jesse
[ poetry ] anneretic : Poetry by various paired with SPN graphics - various
[ graphics ] samiferist : Supernatural + Art series - Gen

snickfic, J2
[ fic ] poor_choices : Your Brains Are No Match For My Tractor-Beam
[ fic ] dragonspell : Mating Flight and Needlessly Complicated
[ fic ] vorpalblades : Put That Thing Back Where It Came From (or so help me)
[ fic ] cleflink : Learn to Glow for Others' Good
[ art ] onlywincest : Mpreg
[ fic ] stripysockette : No Choice in the Matter
[ fic ] kototyph : In the Beginning there was Darkness
[ fic ] chase_acow : Surrender to it
[ fic ] morrezela : Cruel Winds

downjune, Minor Characters
[ graphic ] youdeservetobesaved : Nature!Angel series - various angels
[ fic ] badbastion : Break - Kevin/Sam
[ art ] captainshroom : I miss Meg already - Anna, Jo, Meg 2.0, Ruby 2.0
[ fic ] snickfic : Look What We Did - Meg/Castiel
[ fic ] Vera/dragonmuse : From Scratch - Meg and Becky Rosen

salty_catfish, Random
[ meta ] ash48 & bellanut : Motels and Accommodations of Supernatural
[ poetry ] whatladybird : Untitled poem - Dean, Sam, John
[ art ] lamapan : SDMB art for Little Monsters in the Tide - Sam, Dean
[ art ] ravenno : Endverse TFW - Sam, Dean, 2014!Dean, Castiel
[ fic ] anonymous : Winds Out of the Southwest - Dean, Sam
[ fanmix ] architeuthis : Beat Your Wings and Disappear - Dean/Castiel
[ art ] karmabees/orca1026 : Backseat Pieta - Dean/Castiel

rosereddawn, Rarepair FPF
[ art ] vectan : Untitled - Dean/Benny
[ fic ] valiant : Summertime Blues - John/Dean
[ art ] sqbr : Angel and Demon - Anna/Ruby

yohkobennington, Sam/Dean
[ art ] pineprecipice : Request
[ fic ] selecasharp : The Book of Winchester
[ fic ] sowell : Between Pain and Nothing
[ art ] deniigi : The ever unchangeable octopus Sam
[ fic ] kaylennz : I see the moon
[ fic ] taelynhawker : His Heart left the World

!monthly round-up, mod: scarletscarlet, !mod post

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