[Fanmix] architeuthis: Beat Your Wings and Disappear

Apr 28, 2013 03:09

[ Random: Dean/Castiel ]
Title: Beat Your Wings and Disappear
Mixer: architeuthis
Number of tracks: 14 [1 hour 4 minutes]
Description: Castiel/Trip-Hop, Dean/Castiel

Reccer's notes: This fanmix will convince you that trip-hop is the obvious genre to go with Castiel. Since fanmixes are a curating effort the reasoning behind the selection and how it makes sense for the theme are of particular interest to me and this one comes with extensive notes that will satisfy all your curiosity. I love downloading fanmixes as a means to find new music a little off my beaten path and this mix delivered, I enjoyed listing to it a lot! And it's D/C and not saccharine.

c: castiel, ^fanmixes, *random, c: dean winchester, *dean/castiel

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