[Fic] daniomalley: Pirates!Verse

May 03, 2013 13:48

[ Jared/Jensen ]
Title: Pirates!Verse
Writer: daniomalley
Status of work: verse (two completed pieces so far)
Characters and/or pairings: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Warnings, kinks & contents: [Click to read]Underage, Noncon, violence, First Person POV in one part
Length: ~30,000 words (between 2 fics)
Summary: Summary direct from a kinkmeme prompt: Jensen is a fierce pirate captain. When he raids a very wealthy ship, the captain escapes, but Jensen takes the captain's son Jared captive to be his 'cabin boy' but Jared is cripplingly shy and terrified around Jensen, and Jared seems unnervingly familiar with what's 'expected' of Cabin boys, considering he's a captain's son. Then Jensen, discovers scars on Jared's body - whip marks, burns etc. The crew release Jared isn't the son of the captain but his slave/whore and find he was shared round the ship. To Jared's amazement the crew treat him kindly and look after him, becoming friend with him. Jared and Jensen fall in love but then Jared's old 'master' reappears, wanting his 'property' back, but Jensen is determined to keep his love safe

Reccer's notes: This verse is absolutely gripping, dark and engrossing and bittersweet. I know that some people dislike first person POV, but the way the author utilizes it here is as well done as it gets (note that the second fic in the verse is Jared POV, not in first person). Jared's trauma is dealt with in a sensitive and realistic way, and pirate!Jensen is a wonderful creation. All the exciting pirate drama included as a bonus.

c: jensen ackles, t: hurt/comfort, t: first times, *jared/jensen, ^fic, t: whump, t: dub/non-con, t: angst, t: historical setting, fic: 15-50k, t: underage, c: jared padalecki

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