JEZEBEL ZELHART, POETESS/SINGER. CHECK IT, Y'ALL. Let it be said that I now hate Myspace! You fail, Myspace! That took too fucking long! I tried to make it pretty, but I didn't care enough to tweak it any more. I put up nice artsy-fartsy pictures of myself and some other shit. You can take a look.
BUT I MOSTLY WANT YOU TO LISTEN TO THE SONG. It is clearly a cover of Tori Amos' a capella song about rape, entitled "Me And A Gun." I could not find another song to do, so I'm sorry if it depresses you. It's an amazing song! And I think I did it justice. Oh, and if you're sitting there going "Jezebel...?" Well, my parents used to call me "Jessica Jezebel Jazz-Baby" when I was a small thing and I always thought it'd be a cool pseudonym. I actually wanted to use my mom's maiden name with it (Townsend), but Chesh said that Zelhart "starts with a Z! It's unique! It's a Molko or a Reznor," referring, in case you didn't know, to Placebo's Brian Molko and Nine Inch Nails' Trent Reznor. I just don't have a radiator named after me. But there is a Zelhart Hotel somewhere in Austria, I've been told!
Tonight, I went to UNO's Strauss Hall at 8 PM and met up with Jeremy, my music tech professor. He took me to our school's recording studio (I'm sure phrases like "state of the art" and "expensive as fuck" belong here, but mostly it was just a big mess in a little room), where I learned very quickly how to use ProTools and how to record a single stereo track. Then Jeremy helped me set up 3 mics in the 'isolation booth' and I even got to use a pop filter, you guys! A pop filter! I have seen photos! It looked very official, although I kept crashing into the stupid carpeted wall divider when I backed away from the mic. Instead of me recording AFTER Jenn, I used my recording to learn how to trim and edit things out. Also, Jeremy said this was no favor - this was seriously part of my final project, too.
I did two full takes and we chose the second one - Jeremy said it had more character, and while I liked some of the first one more, this one is probably better. I imagine if I'd had more time, I could have done an even better job, but you know, I'm satisfied. Then we did a bit with the delays and reverb, then we normalized it and saved it and slapped it on a CD. And I just converted it on my computer to mp3 and put it up on the Myspace profile we had to create for class. I changed it - it used to be a band with me and Smeg, but since Smeg and I have no recordings, we can just make our own profile later.
Then Jenn came in. She had a pianist named Nathan and his brother, who flipped the music pages for him (noisily, I might add). Jeremy didn't want me to do any editing for her, so basically, we armed a track and set up the mics in the recital hall, which fed into the recording studio across the hall. I got to monitor the three of them and Jeremy on this little Panasonic TV and they didn't know about that until Nathan came in later and saw the set-up. They talked A LOT between each song and I heard some of it and it was vaguely amusing. Jenn is a coloratura/lyrical soprano and I don't know what that means but that's what she said, and she sang opera songs in foreign languages. They were pretty! She screwed up on one because she didn't think her water bottle cap would be heard when she popped it open to take a drink, but it definitely came through on the recording. She only did a few songs over again, and I mostly just sat there and knitted and talked to Jeremy (or perhaps talked AT him, as I'm apt to do) about music.
And we were done by 11. It was really simple. She has to go in and edit the hell out of her recordings and turn them into a CD (mine was really simple and I did the recording myself so it was easier, I think - plus, I had Jeremy right there helping me). And my final project for music is DONE. All I have to do is show up on Thursday, December 13th, and link the class to my profile and let them hear my project and I'm done.
Well, unless I need to take the open-book/open-note final. I should e-mail Jeremy about that. He has to look at my grades to see how good they are already - he drops one major thing.
And other than that, not much has occurred! My history teacher didn't even show up this morning, which sucked, because -I- almost stayed home to sleep as it was cold as fuck and very foggy. What a waste of gas. I do hope the old man's all right, though. He's getting up there and he had a sinus infection last week. :\
HAPPY FOOD WEEKEND, Y'ALL. I have a poetry presentation to whip up on the esteemed English wordsmith Philip Larkin! I give it on December 3rd, but I wanted Miles to make copies for me, so I need it to be done on Monday.
But I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving! Tomorrow, I shall bake PIE.
Just in case you didn't click before, CLICK HERE and listen to me sing, you guys! This is my dream! Fuck this bachelor's in creative writing! J.