Oh, yeah, I meant to say that I hung up the 2' x 3' RAINBOW PRIDE FLAG that I bought on Nat'l Coming Out Day at school 3 weeks ago.
You know how over one of my curtains I have a Union Jack? No? Well, damn.
There it be! I know both my parents have been in here since I put it up yesterday. 24 hours and still no comment. Either:
1) they knew long ago and have come to accept it, but didn't feel like telling me about it.
2) they don't know what the flag means and assume it's just another one of my weird color obsession things.
3) they didn't notice it amidst all the OTHER colorful shit in here.
4) they did notice, know what it means, and are trying to come to grips with it before talking to me about it, or
5) they are unfailingly simple-minded and do not notice anything that is happening around them.
It's highly unlikely they already know, because they've been pestering me about boys, babies and the like for years. And I've been queer for years. YEARS. It's been 5 years (my brain hurts a lot!) and I have done everything I possibly can do without coming out and saying, "why, yes, my milkshake brings the boys AND the girls to the yard." I talk explicitly and enragedly (it's a word now, shut up, that's why) about legalizing same-sex marriage, I'm exceedingly close to the girl they know as my 'best friend,' I HAD KYLIE MINOGUE ALL OVER MY DOOR, I listen to extremely homosexual music, and I have rainbow symbols all over the fucking place. The next step is to tattoo '50% DYKE' on my forehead.
And my parents HATE tattoos.
Seriously, what is going on? Why does it not dawn on them? Smeg is more of the mind it's none of their business who she dates, but I'd like to seamlessly progress from straight to queer in my parents' minds because I think it's vaguely important that they know. THEN THEY CAN BUY CHESH AND ME RAINBOW GLASSWARE FOR OUR FUTURE ABODE. I just really don't want to get into a 3 hour, roundabout discussion with them. Also, I don't want to tell them and have them TOTALLY FLIP OUT because they had NO IDEA. Which seems to be the case, or am I reading this shit wrong?
Er, anyway, so my flag is up. I'm here, I'm queer, and I'm waiting for some bitch to cheer.