The Starchild Apocalypse 2.1

Nov 25, 2014 21:24

Last time, Jared grew old and was replaced by a face-one sim, Gilitrutt became a caterpillar-eyebrowed adult and heir and promptly lost her marbles, , Barbara died, Gilitrutt got married to Ginger whatsherface, Jared died naked and in the middle of the tiny-ass bathroom(asshole), Ginger&Gilitrutt had twins named Skotta and Nykur who became teens in that very updater, the old twins got older and Skuggabaldur was also turned into face one, Gilitrutt also became old but kept her face and most importat of all, science was lifted and electronics became available. Still no baths though.

I suppose that strictly, until  natural science is lifted, they are not allowed to eat salad but meh, it's just a pointless chance card.

The short-haired family.

Skuggabaldur is a dick.

Fabulous age transition, couldn't have done it better myself.

Huh, really?

Stinky, buff and discoloured. That's the Nykur way.

Maybe the discoloring will get fixed now?

No such luck :C.

Ah well, life goes on.

Naturally, SKotti was quick to follow. Since I like Nykur's angular face better and so far, there have only been females leading the family, Nykur is the winnrar and heirrar.

This will do until the medical carerr pops up.

Skotta will stay with that career though.

I hated the sporty outfit he grew up in and this was the best they had.

They kind of look like a vampire family, no?

In case Nykur tas too long in fiding a mate, Skott's found hers.

Ashley Pitts. You just had to be the sim walking past, didn't you?

Stinky snowball fight!

But only Nykur is exhausted.

Saved from Ashley! Jasmin Rai will be our spouse for the generation.

May not be as lovey-dovy but I like her better than Ashley fucking Pitts.

"Heeeey! This snowman isn't comp,ete enough for me to posses! Stop this stupid snowball fight and finish it for me!"

See, they can flirt too.

Pfft, loser.

Still got promoted.

Oh, the tradegy! Oh, the pain!

Nykur got a new job, in the teaching career.

Not pictured: Sim-hours of petting.

No! She might be a terrorist!

I had no idea that townies could do this.

At least it's not the frigging bathroom.

Skotta: "That burnt chilli sure was something else!"

Not to worry, Skotta's derpy reaction is just her.

Nykur is literally broken up about his mom's death.

Slightly better beds, here we come! When we can pass the buisness restriction. Which isn't any time soon.



I'm to surprised to even get angry. In the 10 years I've been simming, I've never had a single sim naturally die of the flu.


That is a great understatement.

"No! My ghost-in law might see me vent my grief in my diary!"


I obviosuly forgot to screencap the results. Go me.

Not that it matters.

Oh, please do!

I love chance cards. Even if they cost me 20,000 simoleons.

I guess they all went into Malcolme's pockets.

....But it wasn't her job....

Wow, what a drama queen!

"I approve of her eating pose!"

Getting the eldery non-dementet is actually way better anyway.

The hobby chance cards can go die, though. Unless they give promotions, then I like them.

This reminds me of a video I saw where a kitty gently touched it's owner's eyes. So cute <3

Drama. Queen.

Piss off!

Yay and stuff.

Actual and real yay!

Ginger's time is up, and she has the senswe to die on the sidewalk.


Go away, Nykur!

Or Jared, you know, whichever.

With Nykur dead, it meanst that Ashley fucking Pitts will have to move in.


Good luck with that, seing as you can't woohoo with any lady who can't get pregnant by you.

Jeeze, I know I dislike him but there's no need to melt his eyes, Skoffín.

Sure, why not.

Again, not really her fault.

And now you can see why I'm not too thrilled about this guy. And Jenise Jaquet? Really?

Me breaking the rules: 0/5
Sims breaking the rules: 1/3 Pesticide is not allowed.

the sims 2, apocalypse, ts2

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