The Starchild Apocalypse 2.0

Nov 02, 2014 23:36

Last time on the Starchild Apocalypse, it was called the Larson Apocalypse and Jared got pregnant by Barbara (moar cheatings, yay!) and gave birth to Gilitrutt, Barbara crustified, the twins became teens and then adults and got spare'd and Gilitrutt became a teen.

With limited amount of beds, there's no time to be a picky whiner.

Quickest way to get clean without a shower. Can't wait to have access to them though.

Kim's rising through the pet ranks.

It could've been a high-stakes poker game, not risking that.

You better not!

XD That is so lame!

Time for Jared to get old?

Who the fuck are you and what did you do to Jared???

BARBARA IS CHEATING, NOT MEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Also, that is one hell of a potent pesticide.

Female family picture.

Look at my worryingly enormous hand!

A family that does random, unrelated activities together, is most likely being forced to stay together. Especially if one of said activities is peeing yourself.

What a loser your boss is.

Stinky abs are the best abs.

Than will have nothing to do with that "marrying a woman" bullshit.

Love is in the air for everyone else though.

So....skill or something?


Meet the gen. 2 presumptive heiress, Gilitrutt, in all her cateripillar-eyebrow glory.

The mustached man is not here to turn around that noisemaker, Skuggabaldur.

I was annoyed at how slow things were progressing so I had a little competition. Who would be the first to get engaged (to an eligable sim), Skuggabaldur or Gilitrutt? Skoffín doesn't get to play because she's a facial clone of her dad.

The teams are Skuggabaldur&Heather Huffington vs. Gilitrutt and as of yet, unknown woman. You can see who's winning.

Goodbye Barbara. You lived double your lifespan and unlocked the culnary career, paving the way for a better life for all sims.

Jared didn't take it too well.

At all.

Still trying to find a girl with whom Gilitrutt has a boltage. Marla isn't the one

Gilitrutt applauds the "winner" for her affection, Ginger Newman, one of the adopted orphans made into an adult. Ginger is also very excited.

How does that work, exactly?

FYou just had to be an idiot, didn't you?

Life must go on, maybe we can unlock some other good stuff instead?

It's tuesday and Marla came over with her friend, Emily Lee and Gilitrutt also invited Ginger over. Undocumented is Skuggabaldur's and Heather's courting.

Maybe I should've focused on them instead?

Dafuq? Ginger, leave our other guests alone!

How does a uneducated sim become a marine biologist???

Sorry Than, you got the wrong tools. Maybe next time.

Ginger is not an easy woman to catch. She would refuse flirtings left and right.

The twins may not have a dramatic romance but they're still doing important things.

A little love,

A horribly wrong, backrub

and an unimpressive proposla later,

we have a couple.

Ginger, you made Gilitrutt work hard to get you but man, did it pay off.

Kim still exists and had to change career tracks becasue she was to lazy to go to work.

I made Gilitrutt start her hunt for that elusive medical career. In the meantime, she can be a n00b.

Guess what aspiration Ginger is....

Oh, the horror!

What, you found an unplugged microwave in a deep cave?


What made you think of Emily? That burnt turkey or Skoffín's glorious hair?

Can they not see the potential for DOUBLE SMOOTHIE ACTION!

I think this sums up how I felt about Jared's place of death.

Best description of a SUV ever. Well worth two logic points.

Yeah, who gives a crap about all that stupid stuff?

Aren't all controlers made to fit naturally into most medium-sized hands anyway?

And yiu couldn't just....take it off before meeting cave clients of yours?


I get the feeling that Gilitrutt is not going to be unlocking any careers.

It must be a vegan country.

Way to be an attention whore, Ginger.

From hunting whales to protecting whales. Logical.

Go away, Checo.

Domm approches.

Kim's still alive.

Should've been King of Worms but Champion of Worms is also acceptable.

Oh, shutt up Jared, no one cares about your stupid bed.

We interrupt this birth by a very important message from the Champion of Worms.

You can't see it but it was twins, a boy and a girl, named Skotta and Nykur.

Shut up Jared!

This family is super-rich by now so they can afford to get their cat three new agents.

Gilitrutt had to change jobs. Again.

"My cat is now old, that's so frustrating!"

I CANNOT WAIT! I know I didn't put up any picture of it but those two harrassed the babies so much I had to lock the door to the room. And I even had full conrtrol over them.

Have I mentioned that I hate ghost-Jared?

Birthday! And due to harassment, baby Nykur didn't make it to the damn cake.

Damn, dem cheeks.



Kim has almost topped the career track. Aaaaaaaaaalmost.

Kim's way to old for this shit.

Skuggabaldur is also doing that Jared face-change thing :(

Well....whores will have their trinkets.

This is the curse of Jared.

Leave Ginger the fuck alone!

"Don't look at the crazy man, Nykur."

This is like an isbi.

*Faintly crosses fingers*

Nykur has turned into an dissaporving child.

Who is a robot. Which is good for this legacy.

Oh, sweet Jesus. This?? THIS!?

Skotta also grew up into a robot, but she has to be recharged more often.

Why is this even a chance card? If a fish smells off, you should never eat it.

Moar moneyz!

I have to agreewith the guidance counselor there.

Ginger is also moving up in the world, by theorizing things.

Why would the local fortune teller know anything about this? She puts people on blind dates and distributes genie lamps.


"C'mon Gilitrutt, get off of your ass and shake dat bootey to the inaudible music!"

Poor Kim died at some point, unoticed but not unloved.

Sotta, this is not one of thous bread soup-bowls.

Kim's movie deals well pays for this.

Oh, yay.

Oh, yay.

Movin' up.



I'd rahter you get a promotion but this is cool too.


Surprise age transition!


This sucks so hard.

Double birthday palooza.

Skotta, the straight pleasure sim. Did seeing your uncle dancing with his lampshade not teach you anything?

Straight popularity sim with awesome turn-ons to boot? I think there will be no doubt who the heir will be.

Even if you look rather sullen.

All that theorizn' left Ginger fat. And seemingly frustraded.


And then Skuggabaldur got home and Immedietly died.

Skoffín just HAD to die in the damn bathroom.

But life and chocolate goes on. I finally had space to put this machine down.

Nykur rather likes this girl, too bad she's just game-generrated.

So close, so close.

Jared takes a harrassment break and then Kim takes over.

Skotta is a charming girl.


The citizen waste now time randomly throwing around computers.

I will end this update on a bunch of random sims in a sidewalk.

Me breaking the rules: 0/5
Sims breaking the rules: 1/3 Pesticide is not allowed.
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