The Starchild Apocalypse 3.1

Feb 08, 2015 15:31

Been very long since I updated and played too, actually. With new games (dragon age: inqisibubble and ts4), I've made little time to play ts2.

They have a ton of money (because they're not allowed to buy anything) so meh.

Being considered cool by Stephan Tinker? Eat your heart out, people-who've-been-considered-coll!


Jared does not  approve of grandaughter sexytimes!

Or maybe it's just Ashley he disapproves of?

Or maybe he's just an asshole

All extra skills are more than welcome.

Sexytimes was a success!

More sexytimes success stories coming to you live from Fox!

Now the old folks won't be demented no more.

Uhm, no....

It's the circle of liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiife! And it moves around the bathrooooooooooooooooom!

Good job, Skotta.

Jared is a shitty ghost. Wow.

So's Skuggabaldur!

NOOO! Ashey may be uninteresting but I needs him! *Quits without saving* *Moves the graves* *Cheats immensly*

Please and thank you. I'd rahter he survived than unlock military.

He's clearly doing so well on the surviving part ,too!

This is Ebony Darkness Way

With an appropriate personality?

And Cruella's isn't at all.

Yes, raising twins without the luxury of baths is tiring.

Can you sue your ghost family for emotional damage?

Cruella is just plain cute (and vanilla)

Awesome, non-basegame hair? Check. Mean and sloppy? Check. A bit fugly? Check. Favoritism starting? Triple check!

Stupidity? Multi-generational check!

Cruella does have a pretty neat outfit though.

Salt in the wound.

Skotta got old. Thankfully Alegra already unlocked  the seniality thing so I can still issue commands.

Such a heartwarming picture. *Sniff*

The kids are old enough to take care of themselves, sorta, so off to work you go.

Kids do ralleys?

They better be.

Things are going smoothly in the Gulag that is SmCity's law firm.


I clearly forgot to make those two tie the knot. So have an engagement picture.

That's a small price to pay for not risking food poisioning.

"Sims everywhere cannot call each other or access the internet but I am sure I will make it in the world of blogging!"

The little twerps refused to do their homework so they got abducted. I AGAIN had to quit without saving and increase their mood to prevent this from happening. Is this challange even possible without cheats?

Moving on from zombie-family lawsuits into zombie-corporate lawsuits.

And straight into zombie-moviestars!


Cruella even looks more bland now.

They may not look much alike but they want most of the same things in life.

The love is still strong.... Wait, was it ever though?

In the quit without saving, a promotion must've been lost.

Alegra may have saved the elders of SimWorld from complete senility, but partial senility is still going strong.

Wow, not only do they gain charisma but also money and fun?

No sparks.

"Pink dresses are affront aagainst sims everywhere! They must be eliminated!"
I think people are more offended by your pink top, personally.

Because of winning at scrabble?

"My life will only iprove with BABIES!"

Unlocking other things, here we come....

Ashley brings home a real man's man from work. Why am I not surprised?

Some pick-me-up.

I forgot that only sims at the top of the spesific careers can use those career rewards. Oops

Ebony is an asshole.


I forgot to check his inventory and clean it out....

Come oooooooon.

Spend it on WHAT?

More mistakes, intelligence is not yet lifted.

Finally! And I clearly forgot AAAALL abouthe career reward restriction for this playthrough.

Why are you whining, Cruella? You did well and certanly much better than your sister. (She grew up as a wiz kid and is whining how that last  period of her life was horrible)


Just because you're a spare, doesn't mean you can't get some lovin'.

Sure, why not.

Too bad that she met Ms. Moonblossom first though.

Pity, I say.


I image he's the kind of mean griller who flings patties at men's butts.

If not buisness, then why not athletics?

Yes, please! I want to be able to call sims whenever I want!


And before he gets the chance to get a new career, Ashley gets old.

Me breaking the rules: 5/10
Sims breaking the rules: 0/3

legacy, apocalypse, sims

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