Probably time for another update.

May 01, 2006 20:50

So time for another update in to the life of Andrew. I'm not going to my senior Prom. Yes I know, boo fucking hoo. I'm over it. It's a lot of money to blow on a night, considering I do not have a girlfriend nor a date. Meaning my existance at Prom is generally useless. Plus, I think if I hear "0 what? 06" one more time, I will stab the person in the throat with a rusty butter knife.

Tommorow, Ray and I are going to go to a County Commisioner's thing. Should be pretty cool. They have a mock meeting, and I get to be Leonard Haggerty. Plus there's a free breakfast, free lunch and a snack. So if not worth anything else, that should be worth it.

Only a month of school left. Then graduation. I'm pumped. Plus I'm doing a triathalon with Grover and Ray on June 4th, so I've been working out and running and stuff. So I'm excited for that.

Work has been pretty good. My next check is going to be godly. I've been working my ass off. Worked till about midnight on Saturday. That was fun.

Here's my schedule

Tommorow: County Comissioner thing, then I have to change the oil in my Grandma's car.
Wednesday: A whole lot of nothing
Thursday: work 5-9
Friday: a whole lot of nothing
Saturday: a whole lot of nothing
Then May 11th is our band concert. Which will be exciting. Gotta rock the house, it's my last year. Then it's pretty much the end of my high school band career. Endings are sad, but it's been a helluva trip. That's for sure.

This summer is looking to shape up well. No one is in the hospital right now, or close to dying. So it should be all goood.

That's all I have to say.
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