Jul 11, 2006 01:58
Well, it's been nearly two months, and I decided it was about time to update. Things have been going quite well, since my last lj post I've finished up school, did a triathalon, graduated, turned 18 and here I am. It's been crazy, with all of the mixed emotions of graduation and such, but I'm beginning to like the freedom associated with being 18, and not having to go to high school everyday. Granted, when the fall rolls around, college will start and my schedule will be tied up again. Although, I don't get too much freedom, there's always The Firehouse (previously Bravo) nipping at my heels, having me work 6 days a week. Oh well, the money is nice.
So far I've bought two lottery tickets, a pack of ciggs (they were for a cook at work, I don't smoke) and I didn't get carded for either. I was dissapointed haha. Damn 7-11. I guess they saw me in my apron from work, and they'll sell anything to you if you work over there.
It's sad, my truck is running quite horribly as of late. I started putting on new wires today, but only got like half way done considering that there's so little room to work with. It's a smaller truck, with a huge engine and a drinking problem.
The triathalon:
I went to the Seahorse Challenge Triathalon in Climax Michigan. It was a good time, a weekend spent rustic camping, away from it all with Mike and Ray. I did pretty well, my swim time was great and the other two were ok. I finished pretty well too, the specific place escapes my mind, but I remember I did well for my first.
Graduation was a good time, a bit hot and stuffy, but the ceremony was nice, and I didn't trip. It feels nice to say "I graduated from that shit hole." Instead of "I'm still going to that shit hole."
Well, I hope you all enjoyed my sporatic at best live journal post.