This one goes out to the friends I've never had.

Apr 12, 2006 18:23

Not too much as been going on in the life of me. Same as always pretty much. I work a couple days out of the week, and I love the cash. Although many of you know of the problems I have with the music. Same like 8 songs played at random. haha. Then The Chesh handed us String of Pearls, which is one of the few songs I've heard like 45 times. So Jerry and I wanted to shoot ourselves in the face.

Chesh did hand out Strike Up the Band which is a personal favorite of mine. I heard the Gerald Wilson big band play it. Although, it'd be near impossible to emulate the amazing job they did on it, just to play the song is great. We're actually getting some worthwile music, and that excites me.

One more half day, and Spring Break is upon us. It's going by so quick. Soon I will graduate. I'm excited. Then I guess I'm going to MCC, because that's what I'm being told to do.. Long story really.

I wish I had more balls when it came to girls. I mean, there's girls I know I want to ask to Prom, but I totally do not have the cojones to do it. Ah well.
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