
Mar 20, 2008 18:05

NB - ***this contains Torchwood spoilers, but I'm not cutting it because I want to entice people not watching Torchwood to read this post***

I think Torchwood is turning into Buffy. First, Spike turns up looking exactly the same (but with slightly different clothes) and sounding exactly the same. And now there's an episode (last night, the circus one) where there's no alien explanation of the otherwise purely spooky plot. OK, so they mentioned Rift activity, and the circus guy had a suspiciously shiny flask, but what's with the no-alien-explanation?

I have to say, it wasn't a good episode though :( Not only no aliens, but also too-convenient-plot-devices ("Obviously they must have some mysterious link to place X, which we won't explain, because we haven't mentioned any other places in the episode"). And why was Jack in the film reel exactly? Why would the bad guys have arranged for anything other than *their* circus exploits to be shown at the cinema? Also, the bit where Ianto cried at the end was, I think, meant to be moving. But it wasn't. Saving one child while failing to save several others (including said child's whole family) doesn't seem very moving to me.

I just realised something though - I don't care too much about the awful plots and boringness, because I think Captain Jack is just wonderful anyway :)

buffy, reviews, tv, torchwood

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