You know how when I first mentioned the Phoenicians (the subject my current thesis chapter) and not everyone knew who they were? Well, you might want to check out
this site. It's neither perfect nor 100% accurate, but it's so damn shiny, and the basics are well told there.
In other news, Ashes to Ashes was quite good on Thursday. I think we're finally seeing the improvements that bring it somewhere in the region of Life on Mars' wonderfulness (though I'm quite sure that with only one episode left it won't come very near to that level). So sad at the end! Aw, I love Chris so much. Shame about Shaz though...
At least we'll get to see Gene Hunt fighting vampires in the future :) Well, I say Gene Hunt, but Philip Glenister is actually a very good character actor, so I suspect his Van Helsing will be quite different. But I really hope he does the northern accent for that too, because I can't get used to his real southern one.