Quizzes for Algernon

Mar 14, 2006 00:22

Who's the fourth person on your Received Call list?
A: Jennifer

Q: What's your main ringtone on your phone?
A: Ch-ch-check it out by The Beastie Boys

Q: What were you doing at midnight last night?
A: Talking to Leland Bridges

Q: What did the last text message on your cell phone say?
A: Home.

Q: Whose bed did you sleep in last night?
A: Mine.

Q: What colour shirt are you wearing?
A: Blue/white/grey stripped shirt.

Q: Most recent movie that you watched?
A: Sin City

Q: Name three things that you have on you at all times.
A: Hair band, wallet, keys

Q: What's the colour of your bedsheets?
A: Black. Boring, huh?

Q: How much cash do you have on you right now?
A: $24.12

Q: What is your favourite part of the chicken?
A: The butthole. PS, the chicken philly's at Loco's are made from chicken buttholes. Thats not a lie.

Q: What's your favourite town/city?
A: St Louis

Q: I can't wait to . . .?
A: Do all the things I'm going to be doing this weekend.

Q: When was the last time you saw your mum?
A: Too long :(

Q: When was the last time you saw your dad?
A: Even too longer :(

Q: When was the last time you talked to them?
A: Last week

Q: Who got you to join Livejournal?
A: The Devil

Q: What did you have for dinner last night?
A: Nothing?

Q: How long have you been at your current job?
A: May 28th it will be 4 years, which is too god damn long. I hate my job. Loco's is the reason I want to go back to school.

Q: Look to your left. What's there?
A Santa Claus

Q: Who is the last person you spent over $50 on?
A: Either me or Whitney.

Q: What's the last piece of clothing you borrowed from someone?
A: I don't borrow clothes.

Q: What website(s) do you visit the most during the day?
A: Livejournal, Homestar Runner, Penny Arcade, PvP online, Order of the Stick, and 8-bit Theatre

Q: Do you have an air freshener in your car?
A: Yeah, thought I need to get a new one. And I need to clean my car. Badly.

Q: Do you have plants in your room?
A: No. I'm allergic to chlorophyll.

Q: Does anything hurt on your body right now?
A: No.

Q: What city was your last taxi cab ride in?
A: Athens. At least thats how I was told I got home that time.

Q: Do you own a camera phone?
A: Yep.

Q: What's your favourite Starbucks drink?
A: Water. I don't like the Starbucks that much. It no good.

Q: Recent time you were really upset?
A: January 3rd.

Q: Have you been in love with anyone?
A: Definitely.

Q: Who do you think will repost this?
A: Either Rain, Jackie, or Jessyka. Or that insufferable Eric. :)

Q: What time did you get up this morning?
A: 9:30am

Q: Diamonds or pearls?
A: I got dat ice hangin from my wrist, and the bling on my grill. I gave that bitch a pearl necklace, yo.

Q: What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
A: I don't know. I really don't know.

Q: What is your favourite TV show?
A: Kids in the Hall

Q: What did you have for breakfast?
A: A roast beef sandwhich

Q: What is your middle name?
A: Michael

Q: What is your favourite cuisine?
A: South African, maybe? I like em all :)

Q: What foods do you dislike?
A: Green Peppers, bland spinach, and fast food

Q: What is your favourite CD at the moment?
A: Tom Waits "Real Gone" maybe.

Q: What kind of car do you drive?
A: A Saturn

Q: What is your favourite sandwich?
A: Ciabatta bread, pesto, fresh mozzarella, artichoke hearts, and basil.

Q: What characteristics do you despise?
A: Closed-mindedness, incompetency, excessive permiscuousness

Q: Favorite item of clothing?
A: My leather jacket, even though it has paint all over it and I'm still mad about that.

Q: What is your favourite potato chip?
A: Baked ______

Q: If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?
A: Paris or country-side Scotland

Q: What colour is your bathroom?
A: White

Q: Where would you want to retire?
A: The beach, I think.

Q: Favourite brand of clothing?
A: Target.

Q: Favourite time of day?
A: Not at work time.

Q: Where were you born?
A: Anderson, SC

Q: Favorite sport to watch?
A: Live- Hockey, TV- Poker, maybe?

Q: What type of detergent do you use?
A: Oxy-clean, I think? I dunno..Sam bought it.

Q: Coke or Pepsi?
A: Coke, jackass.

Q: Are you a morning person or a night owl?
A: Night owl

Q: What size shoes do you wear?
A: Mens 12 1/2 - 13

Q: Do you have any pets?
A: John Hannah

Q: Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with everyone?
A: I'm going to SC this weekend! :)

Q: What did you want to be when you were little?
A: A Duck.

Q: Favourite candy bar?
A: York Peppermint Patty, definitely.

Q: What is your best childhood memory?
A: Going to chop down the christmas tree with my Father, two brothers, and Mr. Leroy

Q: What colour underwear are you wearing?
A: Blue

Q: Nicknames?
A: Roast Beef Guy, Beefy, RB, Friar John, Dubbs, Count Dubbulon, Dubbstyles.

Q: Piercing?
A: 138 on my scrotum in the shape of the American Flag

Q: Eye colour?
A: Muddy brown

Q: Ever been to Africa?
A: No

Q: Ever been toilet papered?
A: Nope

Q: Love someone so much it made you cry?
A: Yeah

Q: Been in a car accident?
A: Twice. Both very nerve-wracking.

Q: Croutons or bacon bits?
A: Croutons

Q: Favourite day of the week?
A: Saturday

Q: Favourite restaurant?
A: Depalmas? I guess?

Q: Favourite flower?
A: Purple

Q: Favourite Ice Cream?
A: Moose Tracks, or Oreo

Q: Disney or Warner Brothers?
A: Warner Brothers, damn. What kind of a dumb ass question is that?

Q: Favorite fast food restaurant?
A: Sonic. Though I hate fast food.

Q: What colour is your bedroom carpet?
A: Off white. Very off.

Q: How many times did you fail your drivers license?
A: None.

Q: Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
A: Barnes and Noble or Bizarro Wuxtry or as a last resort Junkman's.

Q: What do you do most often when you are bored?
A: Read, write, or play either my banjo or video games.

Q: Who are you most curious about their responses to this questionnaire?
A: I'm too self-absorbed to care what anyone else has to say.

Q: Last person you went to dinner with?
A: Sam, Josh Spillers, and Joe from Sahde.

Q: Ford or Chevy?
A: Don't care?

Q: What are you listening to right now?
A: Arrogant Worms

Q: How many tattoos do you have?
A: I have a chronological time-line of the war of 1812 across my back

Q: Which came first the chicken or the egg?
A: God.
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