Date: Monday, 15 July 1999 | Early Evening
Characters: Angelina Johnson, Anyone Else?
Location: Hogsmeade
Status: Public
Summary: Angelina goes walking with no end destination in mind.
Status: Complete
Angelina didn't want to go home after work. Lately, she'd been staring at the walls of her flat, and it was nearly driving her mad. Luckily
Cho had dragged her to the Quidditch Fundraiser, and she hadn't been forced to sit at home and think about Lukas, but that had been days ago now.
Ever since the night she left Lukas nothing had seemed quite right. The world seemed to take on a dull sort of colour, and the ache in her heart had lessened somewhat but had not gone away. Tomorrow would be a week since she left him, but, Merlin, it seemed like ages had passed. She wished she could stop thinking of him, and yet, she felt she was clutching those very same memories, unwilling to let them go.
So, she walked, passed people and did not see them, and had no idea where she was going. But it didn't seem to matter. The melancholy sat upon her shoulders and made her footsteps heavy and slow.