Random Stuff in My Head

Mar 11, 2010 12:59

The weather is so perfect today.  Why am I on the computer???   I don't even have a good answer for that.

So this week and next week the school are administering the Maryland School Assessment Tests.  I get to proctor a 4th grade class, which means that I walk around the desks very slowly and make sure kids are working on the correct section.  It's sooooo boring.  I would rather take the test myself.  I can't talk about the test specifically, or I would be sent to jail or something.

My sister-in-law unfriended me on facebook recently.  I suppose I can accept some responsibility for that:

I was going through my facebook friends (all 50 of them) and you know how you have some that you correspond with regularly, some that you are interested in what they are doing, but don't really have much to say to, and some that you friended  because they sent you a friend request, and you aren't sure why, because they certainly didn't have anything to say to you when you were in high school, and they still don't, so why bother?

Well, I was going through my list of, I'll say facebook contacts, and I sorted them into different privacy categories.    And there were some people who never had any input on any of my status updates or anything, just like there are people that I don't really respond to, so I decided to put them in the category of not being able to see my updates.  They don't read them anyways, I'm pretty sure.  (And if you are a reader of my journal, you know how dull uneventful my life is.  My facebook status updates are not much better.)  Anyhow, it's possible that I put my sister-in-law in that list, but it wasn't meant as a personal slight.  More of a "now she won't have to see my Bejeweled Blitz medals anymore."  And possibly because of this, I have been defriended.  *sigh*

Ironically, the same week, my brother's girlfriend did friend me on facebook.

My house is so messy right now it is causing me stress!  Seriously, the kids have too many toys.  We have a big house; they have exceeded our storage capacity.  And it seems every time we weed out some old toys, we get more.  Not that I don't have paperwork all over the place.  And there is a pile of too-small kids' clothes threatening to avalanche and take over my office.  AND I have a friend coming  to spend a night in that room in about a week.  At work some teachers and I were talking about how we need those reality show people to come and de-clutter our houses for us...

Other things going on:

Doctor's appointment for Christopher, for which I need to prepare his and Samantha's routine medical paperwork for school next year.

I'm going to make muffins to take for a pre-school snack tomorrow.

It's time for my semi-annual hair cut.

Still need to do my taxes.

I told my assistant principal that I did not want to take the band and strings to play at Marley Station Mall because the elevator music and other ambient noise makes it so you can't hear them play anyways.  (She was okay with that.)

We bought a new camera.  Be prepared for another onslaught of my attempts at artistic photography.

I don't know what to make for dinner tonight.

That's all folks!

random, facebook

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