looks like we're not done rageing against the machine

Oct 09, 2012 09:53

I don't even know how to feel. I mean, I am pissed, oh, so pissed, that once again, those assholes at NBC, have decided to fuck us Community fans over one more time. But underneath it, I'm just sad. Sad, depressed and angry. WHY. Why is our show constantly being singled out and picked on? I mean, it's ludricious at this point to see it any other way. In the past year (almost) we have been through so much shit in regards to this program. And now, when we are only a week away. A WEEK AWAY, from the new season, they pull this shit.

How the fuck is it our fault that they are too incompentent to promote ALL of their shows? Why should we be punished, because they are too busy jerking off to the rip off show (go on) and that Kripke/Abrams show, to remember that Community (and that other show) exisist? Why haven't they aired ANY repeats in the latter half of the summer? The last time our show was on was right before the Olympics. How can you get new eyeballs to something that is not on? I don't think it's fair that we are once again, shafted, because they couldn't find the time to fucking promote TWO shows. TWO shows. That's all. Two tiny little shows. And the reason for shelfing us AGAIN, is because they couldn't promote us? YOU HAD ALL SUMMER. YOU HAD THE PAST MONTH. Give me a break. NBC.

We could look on the bright side and think- well they have some failing shows already, maybe we could move to earlier in the week. Okay fine. I perfer Tuesdays, since there is dick on, and you could shove them after that go on show (makes sense- so I'm sure that won't happen)
Wednesdays are a bit crowded now, but 8pm is doable. So who knows.
And the biggest irony of all would be to shove us back at Thursdays at 8. Wouldn't surprise me a bit at this point.

I feel so bad for the cast and crew. :( This has to be the worst job ever. How can they answer q's on Twitter about the show, when they work for the worst network ever? I'd love to look on the bright side, but after the shit we've been through...it's hard to see a pot of gold at the end of this shit rainbow.

So please, whoever has the monkey paw- PUT IT AWAY. YOU ARE NOT HELPING. And NBC? Fuck you. The happiest day will be when I no longer have to watch your network. You are the fucking stupidest programmers imaginable.
FIrst Psych is still without a date and now Community.  WTF TV. W.T.F.

fuck you and thank you, heartbroken, stupid people make me question humanity, flames on the side of my face, community, mind boggling f'ed up, bitchy times, all the tissues

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