
Jun 02, 2015 09:35

I cried. None of this makes sense. Like, none of it. So, Abed randomly goes off to LA, because he has work on a tv show? Really! And they didn't think it was relevant to let us in on his plans, ALL SEASON!! Wtf. Then Annie. How the fuck does she go from taking one crimonogly class, a year ago,to randomly interning at the fucking FBI. WTF? That makes no sense. Like, at fucking all.

And urgh, for the ones left behind. That is not a show that anyone should ever want to watch. Thank god this show is over. This movie crap needs to happen far, far,far into the future. Cause one decent ep? Are you fucking kidding me?

I enjoyed seeing Shirley again! :-) that was a nice bonus. And their pitches were funny. Elroy totally got shafted. I'll miss you, only funny character in this rotten and forgettable season. Frankie doesn't need to remain at the school anymore. They fixed it. Again. Some more.

That J/A scene. :-(  Jeff so wanted that future with her and maybe they could get there. But I liked that he had Annie question it. Cause she does need to breakaway. I don't feel sorry for her, for being at Greendale, I'm sorry about the shit way they treated her. But that was a very nice scene. And I love that she told him that he should kiss her, or he'd regret it. I doubt that she will. They wasted so much fucking time and I don't see how Jeff let her go. At least he told dream Annie that he loves her. *eye roll*.
God knows this could have been worse, so I will take what I can get, but that was not worth six years. It's like they ran the clock out. Oops, too late now to do anythng with them! Am I supposed to wish for the movie?
Oh, and Harmon? How the fuck did they finally get together? Fuck off

Still. I teared up. I will not miss a goddamn thing about this show, but at least I may eventually come to terms. I think I can rewatch it again. Someday. Maybe. Probably.
But at least this is  done. This was the worst final season since the worst show in the history of tv. But at least maybe my bbs could find their way back. And we never saw Annie's pitch. Maybe her's can come true?

All in all. This was a show that made me happy, pissed me the fuck off, frustrated the living hell out of me, and made me cry twice. The first three years were golden and the only thing I will take from these past three rotten years is this: Jeff loves Annie. Annie grew up and became her own person. She didn't cling to the group. She left on her own.

Goodbye Community. It was an experience.

jeff and annie, episode review, community, elroy is a perfect snowflake, half way decent eps are rare, frankie gets things done, annies better than you

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