
Feb 28, 2013 10:00

I am so glad that this show is back! I have missed you, Psych!

I think this is one of their better premieres. It  definitely had a different feel to it, and rightly so. I was wondering how soon after Henry got shot, that Shawn knew about it. He got there incredibly fast. ;p But I enjoyed seeing a different side to Shawn. He was intense and quite frankly out of his mind. (very much like Michael in s6 of Burn Notice) I loved everyone being there for Shawn, to the Chief telling him to not look for the bad guy (but meaning, LOOK FOR HIM, YO) to Juliet and Gus being concerned about his mental state and to Lassie stepping up and helping him find a way to bring the bad guys to justice. :) Teamwork!

Bringing back Chelsea was random, but hilarious. I LOVE that Henry had a whole speech ready when he woke up, about her. Too funny. I loved Shawn and Henry's moment too, how hard is for them to say I love you? I just really loved everything about this ep. It had a suspense that didn't seem forced, the characters were still allowed to be silly when it was called for, and I am just so glad that we are in season seven, finally!

Woody with the body bags was hilarious, the blueberry being broken was not, the cranberry being broken was surprising and unexpected (well the cranberry existing at all was surprising) I am so glad that Henry is okay, while I wasn't expecting him to be seriously hurt (or you know, dead) i was still nervous for him. We need our little angry one! I wonder if this will changed their relationship? Stop taking each other for granted and start talking more about their feelings. He easily could have been taken away, Shawn, tell your daddy that you love him and Henry tell your son that you love him, too.

what was with the clues? Is the 3-D thing going to stay? Cause I didn't strictly hate it. It was a bit easier to see what he was looking at. I cannot with Tim's credit this year. OMG. And why didn't they change the end credit? Shawn tossing himself into the fence is funny...but I want newness. ;p And why no Psych-Out? That is just not right.

Overall I really enjoyed this one and that doesn't always happen with first eps. :) Can't wait to see what they get up too this year! PSYCH IS BACK AND EVERYTHING IS WONDERFUL. <3

psych, episode review, my happy place is shiny and awesome

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