First the ep- Was not a fan. I probably should re watch it, but at the moment, my emotions are all over the place re: this show, that I don't think it would help. We already know that the study group sucks to the rest of the school. And I'm pretty sure that we knew how much the school means to them. So why rehash it? I was just not feeling this one at all. The things I liked where the burn notice shout out (SO COOL) and the mention of Hogan's Heroes (even if they were wrong) I hated the German students last year and they were not improved on at all. I think they included hh because they ran out of "german" things to name.
really not that interested in chang"s storyline either. but whatever there.
the rant is about jeff and annie. how in the hell can this show just ingore them? How can you seriously not have them progress? I don't know how I feel about that interview that Alison gave. It makes me sad to think this show has no balls when it comes to the only couple who make senes. I don't want to watch J/A have so many moments knowing that it will lead to nothing but bullshit. :/ I know that we were warned via the writers ama that whatever happens with them. half of us would despise it. i guess i was just hoping that for once it wouldn"t be us.
why on earth would you ship tease fans like this and then not pay it off? how does that make sense? What is so frightening about J/A? They can't bring up the age thing since they have t/b. they had Jeff handwave it away in 4.03. I guess I just don't get why they are so hated. It's frustrating to see the knock off couple (since i"m sorry but that is what t/b are) advance out of nowhere and then get told repeatedly that our icky little ship can"t become canon< dispite three years of build up>
i"m not going anyhwhere. i"ll be here to the bitter end. the show is more than jeff and annie< but i"d be lying if i said they weren"t a big part of the appeal. while we have no idea what they have planned for us, it just sucks that it may not be good. i think we deserve better and i know the characters do.
I'll never understand how we can see something so beautiful, wonderful and awesome and they see a giant headache that they don't want to deal with. I stil love this show and this couple. I don't want them to fully kill them, but I wasn't expecting them to date either. Leave it ambgious and let us cling to our apparent moot fantasy that they get together. How hard is that? I miss the days when everyone was happy and upbeat. :( What the fuck happened?