
Nov 10, 2009 08:26

Well, my Han Shot First Shirt arrived and now the rest of the crew's Star Wars Shirts have shipped and on their way from Cali and should arrive just in time for Wednesday night.

I'm glad we were able to get people together for this, Basile is a father of 3 so going out with the guys is limited and vBuren has been stuck down in 'Bama for the last two years on a job for work.

On the NaNoWrimo Front up to 17k and the story is coming together of sorts.

In the category of wacky conversations I overheard at Panera it started something like this:

Lawyer: So you disconnected her phone?
Man: Yeh, but it was in my name.
Lawyer: And why did you go home?
Man: To get my mail.
Lawyer: You now have a non-contact and a restraining order against you.
Man aka The Stalker: okay.

I think that puts all the over convos and or things going on at a different table during NaNoWrimo to shame.

Time to go bang out some of the novel and work on my 20th Century Art Homework...

nanowrimo, news

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