Sunday's end...

Nov 08, 2009 22:56

Survived Empire Tea and Coffee Write In and enjoyed the drive out and the drive back. The 4$ toll charge coming and going wasn't a deal breaker.

I haven't been out to Newport in more than a few years since the crew and I had been to Gooseberry Beach (highly recommended).

Managed to get roughly 15390k done today. So I'm ahead by 1 day, gonna write some more at work tomorrowy.

Went to Barnes and Noble got some books. With some of the authors on the F-List talking about book signings at book stores I found a book in the sci-fi section by Walter Greatshell called Xombie with the giant: Signed by Author Sticker on it. Turns out he's local and has a blog.

Came home, had some dinner, read the rest of my Design Homework and  came up with a quick plot synopsis for the novel. This helps me a lot since I've been writing by the seat of my pants since the 1st.

So I'm feeling good about time for bed...


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