Star Wars at the Dunk...

Nov 12, 2009 08:25

Everything aligned last night and saw Star Wars in Concert at the Dunk last night. I highly recommend it. Anyone in NH or MA they're coming to you next.

For Stat Wars fans this was Doctor Who at the Proms.

Unfortunately, I erred on the side of caution and did not bring my 40d. I should have. But in the end it was fine. Nice mix of fans, a few people were dressed up and many pictures were being taken. It was like a mini-con. And there were props from the movies there too.

Most of the pics I took were either posted to Twitter or my FB page.

Overall it was fun night. Went to AS220 for dinner since Trinity Brewhouse was full and Cuban Revolution has been hit or miss.

The floor seats were perfect and thankfully we had the entire row to ourself on the side we were on. More than a few empty seats.

The highly of the evening was having Anthony Daniels, in person, narrating the music cues.

Met up with a few people from work and high school and then went to Pastiche for desert and coffee.

Here's hoping they do it next year too...

Looks like Reflection's was closed last night and everyone went to Cafe Zog instead. If the closure of the Reflections continues I'll make sure to update everyone.
Word count still in the 18k range with class tonight and Friday I don't see getting much writing done until Saturday, good news is I'm still a head...

star wars, news

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