Erotic Confessions- Smallville Fanfic

Sep 01, 2012 23:31

Title: Erotic Confessions
Rating: NC-17 for strong sexual language and descriptions and a bit of drunkeness
Pairings: Chlark; mentions of Chlollie and Clois
Spoilers: A few for Fortune, I suppose.
Disclaimer: If I owned Smallville, there would have been plenty of Chlark secks. NUFF SAID.
Summary: Chloe's late night phone call makes Clark react in a big way.
Warnings: READ: This is for mature audiences only. To be blunt, it's really smutty, people. If you're not into that, then don't read. You have been warned. Also, there's a little bit of ship-bashing in here, so beware.
Notes: A short, humorous piece I wrote last year, based on a prompt for smut_69. It kinda rewrite four particular areas of the latter part of the show's history, just for the hell of it. :p Feedback is loved!

Brringg! Brringg!

The sound of the phone ringing stirred Clark from his slumber.

Reaching onto the pillow where Lois usually slept, he picked it up and flipped it open.


A sweet little giggle answered his groggy greeting.

"Hi, Clark. Whatcha doin?"

His brows furrowed. "Chloe?"

Another giggle. "Who else would it be, honey?"

He raised a brow at her tone and the choice of nickname. He glanced at the clock beside the bed.

"Chloe, are you alright? It's two in the morning, and you... don't sound... You sound a little different."

Another giggle. "Are you a-lonne, Clark?"

"Um... Yeah, Chloe, but... you knew that. Lois is out of town covering a story, remember?"

"Yeah, I thought so. So... you wanna know a secret, Clark?"

He was sitting straight up in the bed at that point, puzzlement filling his features. "Okay... sure."

"Well, Clark... I'm all alone... and I just made friends with a little lady named Vodka." She was giggling, yet again.

Oh, great. She was drunk. That explained a lot. He rubbed a hand over his face and sighed.

"Why are you drinking, Chloe? And where's Oliver?"

"Ya know, I have no idea where Ollie is, and I don't care. He probably went off to a party or something, and didn't bother to invite me. Rich playboys do that, you know." Chloe laughed, sounding a little bitter. "But that's okay. Cause I threw a party without him. It's just too, too bad that you can't be here with me."

Clark swallowed hard. "Chloe..."

"I've been thinking about you all day, Clark, and I'm so horny, I can't stand it. My panties are soaking wet. And if you don't believe it, you're more than welcome to come smell 'em... I took 'em off a while ago."

He gulped, and it was apparently loud enough that she heard it. She giggled again.

"That's right, I know all about your little panty-sniffing fetish. You told me, remember?"

"Chloe..." he said her name again softly, squeezing his eyes shut.

She sighed, sounding a little frustrated. "Yeah, yeah. I know. You're in love with my cousin's vagina or whatever, and you're marrying it in a few weeks. Doesn't change anything. I still want you, Clark. And it's been so long since I had you."

The lump in his throat just wouldn't seem to go down. Neither would his erection. They'd barely been talking a few minutes, and he was rock hard. Memories. And her sweet, sexy voice in his ear.

"And... And what about Oliver?" he managed to get the words out.

"Well, Clark... to put it bluntly... Oliver's not as good as you. He's not as big as you are, either. He doesn't fill me up like you do... Mmm... nobody can fill me up the way you did, Clark."

She had no idea how difficult she was making things currently. He was pretty sure she was moaning, and he was pretty sure he was getting even harder.

"Chloe..." he tried to swallow the lump away again. "W-what we had... that's over. One time only. Just happened. It can't happen again. You know that, right?"

Chloe scoffed. "One time, my ass, Super Stud. Which 'one time' are you talking about? The time after we thought Lana was dead? Or the time after I got the annulment papers? Or that time I called you a rotten bastard for leaving me, and you fucked my brains out in an alley? Or, wait... what about that time we were drunk on some magic juice and thought we got married?"

Clark's eyes widened, and he tried desperately to ignore his building discomfort. "C-Chloe, we don't even know if we--"

And now she was snorting. "Clark, PUH-LEASE. We found my panties hanging off a fence post, and there was a HUGE jizz stain on the back of my dress. Oh, and I was sore all over for two days. I think it's safe to say we went completely nuts that night... emphasis on the nut."

Clark's cheeks blazed bright red in the darkness of the room. Too bad no one could see it.

"Chlo..." He barely managed to get that out. She was making it very hard for him to concentrate. "What... what are you doing?"

There was silence for a moment, and then she was giggling again.

"What do you think I'm doing, Clark?"

He swallowed hard again, as he heard the faintest hint of a whimper on the other end of the line.

She didn't give him long to answer.

"I'm touching myself... and thinking of you." she whispered, and without even trying, he could picture it.

She was probably laying in bed, her blankets thrown off, her nightie probably hiked up around her waist. Her little fingers slipping between her soft, wet folds.

He forced himself to snap back to reality.

"Chloe... we can't... I can't..."

"Can't what?" Her voice was all breathy, and hushed, which seemed to make his hair stand on end... among other things.

"You know what I'm saying, Chloe."

The hand that was on the bed beside him moved, and brushed over the swell in his pajama bottoms. He shuddered, biting back a moan.

One touch. That was all he could allow himself.

She sighed again, half with pleasure, half with frustration.

"I know, I know... You're in love with my cousin's pussy, and I'm waiting to see if Ollie's gonna make up his mind about playing the doting boyfriend."

"C-Chloe... It's not like that and you... you know it." His voice was shaking with need. He couldn't recognize it, it seemed, but she sure did.

"Right... Well, Clark, I don't know about you, but I need to come... with or without you." she whimpered again, and he again found himself picturing her. "Good luck with that big hot hard-on I know you have right now. And when you finally wake up and smell the horny blonde sidekick... let me know."

He heard the click as she hung up, and frowned as he slammed the phone shut.

And it was then that he realized he'd much rather come with her than alone.
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