The Greatest Gift- Smallville Fic

Sep 01, 2012 18:25

Title: The Greatest Gift
Rating: PG
Spoilers: If you haven't seen the finale... you kinda suck? :p
Disclaimer: If I owned Smallville, things would have ended a lot differently. NUFF SAID.
Summary: Her son. Her sweet little boy. She was so blessed to have him in her life, and she thanked God every day for it.
Notes: Yay finally posting year-old fic! lol This story was written shortly after the finale, and might be what you call a fix-it fic. But as far as I'm concerned, it WORKS with canon, and in my head, it solves a mystery from off-screenville. Please read the special Author's Note at the end. And NO BASHING!! If you post a comment bashing me and my fic, it WILL be deleted, no ifs, ands, or buts!!

She smiled as she watched the little boy from the doorway.

Her son.

Her sweet little boy.

She was so blessed to have him in her life, and she thanked God every day for it.

Her little boy... he looked just like her, acted just like her. He was definitely a momma's boy, and the spitting image of her at that age. Inquisitive, quirky. He was definitely the child of Chloe Sullivan.

The only thing Chloe regretted was that, like she had grown up without a mother, he was growing up without a father.

Many would easily believe the boy belonged to Oliver. He had blonde hair, and though that was where the similarities ended, many still claimed they could see the Queen genes. Even Lois, Chloe's cousin. And while it was true that Oliver had been there for her through the pregnancy, and still kept in touch, Chloe knew, without question, who her son's father was.

Her pregnancy had been a difficult one. She'd been sick through most of it, and had even spent eight weeks on bed rest, which she'd hated. And though they had decided to call it quits only months before, Oliver had tried to help her. When he couldn't be there, in her little one-bedroom apartment, he'd called in a hired nurse to watch over her. For that, she was grateful.

And when her son was born, Chloe had named him Clark Gabriel, after her best friend and her father. No one had thought anything of it, and what did it matter anyway? Chloe was alone when she'd had him, and the choice had been entirely hers. Oliver, whom Chloe honestly believed at the time was his father, was off on business, and she hadn't wanted to bother him.

It wasn't until little Clark Gabriel was three years old that she discovered who his father really was.

It wasn't until she saw her toddler pick up the tail end of her little sports car like it was a Lego block that she realized exactly who his father was.

She'd been in denial, at first. She hadn't wanted to believe it. It was impossible... wasn't it?

It took seeing her son perform two other superhuman feats before she finally began to believe. She saw him kick a dent the size of a large rock into the side of her car without hurting himself, and she'd watched a cut on his finger heal right before her eyes.

She did some research and some calculations, and she realized the truth, what she'd already been suspecting.

It was magic.

Magic had brought this living, breathing miracle to life.

She might have married Oliver that night, despite the lack of legality due to the fact she had no identity, but she had no explanation for how she'd ended up on the Kent farm, locked in a closet, completely panty-less beneath her Madonna-esque wedding dress. She also had no explanation for how Clark's bed had became such a mess.

That, in addition to the timing of her pregnancy, made her came to one simple, although difficult, conclusion: Instead of she and Oliver consummating their marriage, she and Clark had.

However impossible it seemed, she knew it was fact. They didn't even share the same DNA, but yet they were able to make a baby. Her only guess was that her own human DNA had dominated, which was why the little guy looked so much like her. Hell, Lex Luthor had cloned Clark, adding a bit of his own DNA, and virtually, the same thing had happened. Conner Kent looked a hell of a lot like Lex in his teenage years.

When reality came crashing down on her, Chloe had panicked. She imagined this was how Martha Kent had always felt, so scared someone would find out the truth about her son and try to turn him into a lab rat. In a desperate attempt to protect her son, she made plans and left the country, moving to Singapore. Once she got there, however, she realized there was more to her desperate move than she'd originally thought.

She realized she had a deeper reason, and it wasn't a pretty one. While it was true she was scared of someone finding out the truth about her son, she was more worried about the wrong someone finding out. Namely, her cousin.

She loved Lois, and honestly, she still loved Clark. She probably always would. She wanted nothing more than for them to be happy, and she wouldn't allow herself to ruin their relationship. And if Lois knew her boyfriend had fathered her cousin's child? It would probably break her.

Because of that, she knew it'd be best if she stayed right where she was, caring for and raising her son the best way she knew how.

And she had. She'd like in Singapore for the last three years, and she loved it here. Little Gabe, as she called him, did, too. It was peaceful. And despite her realization three years before, she was happy, and felt no guilt. How could she feel guilty for the best thing that had ever happened to her? She knew Gabe would have questions later, but for now, she was just living day-by-day.

As she closed her son's door, and made her way down the hall to the kitchen, she glanced down at the ring on her hand, and wanted to laugh.

Just like her son's father, she wore a disguise. The ring was her disguise. She hadn't been in a relationship in seven years, not had she wanted to be. She was content and happy, caring for her only child. But she liked to keep the neighbors guessing.

She knew there were rumors about her. Some said her husband had left her, but she still wore his ring because she wasn't over him. Some said her husband lived in another country, and only stopped in periodically for visits. But the most popular rumor she'd heard was that he husband had died, and she wore the ring to show her lifelong devotion, even in death. She liked that one the best. She'd let the neighbors believe whatever they wanted, though, as long as it meant they left her alone. As far as Chloe was concerned, she didn't need a man in her life. She'd had a child by the man she'd loved most of her life, and that was the greatest gift of all.

While in the kitchen, Chloe called up her cousin, just to check up on her, just as she did every Friday night.

She discovered that Jimmy's little brother had started work at the Planet, and that Clark had once again decided to postpone he and Lois's wedding. Oh, and that Perry had been in a cranky mood all day. Same old, same old. It was enough to make Chloe roll her eyes.

And when she went to bed, not long after her conversation with Lois, her heart felt light and full, just as it always did.

And when she drifted off she sleep, she dreamed of a small Kansas town, and of the beautiful blue-eyed boy she'd saved the world with... over and over and over again.


Author's Note: This story is whatever you see it as. The last stand of a "delusional" Chlarker. A diss at the Chlolliers, who yelled "ENDGAME", but never actually saw their ship together in the end. A jab at the Cloisers, who never did get their damn wedding. But I hope you'll see this for what it really is: A love letter to my fellow Chlarkers. Keep holding on, and dare to dream. Seasons 1-8 happened... and they were beautiful.
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