Revelations- AU Smallville Fic

Sep 02, 2012 21:50

Title: Revelations
Rating: PG-13 (for some strong language)
Pairings: Chlark; some mentions Clois and Chlollie
Spoilers: Seasons 9 and 10 in general, I guess?
Disclaimer: If I owned Smallville, things would have ended a lot differently. NUFF SAID.
Summary: A shocking discovery leaves Chloe reeling.
Notes: An AU take on Prophecy, another kind of "Fix It" fic, if you will. Based on some speculations that were had in the weeks before the ep aired. I figured the story should still be told, even if TPTB decided not to. *shrugs* The fic is kind of based on a line from Selina's song "Dreaming Of You". Hope you like!

"I love you."

"Excuse me?"

Chloe's brows are furrowed, her pretty little face filled with confusion.

"I love you." he says again, as he stands in the doorway of her hotel room, clad in a suit with an undone tie.

She laughs, and shakes her head. "No, you don't, Clark. What the hell are you talking about?" She crosses her arms, trying to read him.

He looks dead serious, his eyes soft, his voice hushed. She hasn't seen him this serious in a long time. It makes her heart ache.

"I was brainwashed, Chloe." he says, and for some reason, looks near tears as he does.

More confusion.

"And what exactly does that have to do with your little declaration?"

Nervousness. It's setting in now. Her feet are shifting, and her arms are tightening around her waist, making the belt of her silky robe a little uncomfortable.

It's a little weird. She hasn't let Clark Kent make her nervous in quite a while.

"I... can I come in?" he asks, and something about his expression, his attitude, his mannerisms, reminds her of the man he was two years ago. And let's face it, Clark Kent has changed a lot in the past two years.

"Uh... yeah. Of course." She's nodding, and swallowing hard, and just about anything one might imagine a nervous little sidekick might do. Boy, she's glad she's not with Oliver anymore. That would make this already awkward conversation even more awkward, if he was there.

And part of the reason why this conversation is so awkward is probably because Clark is kind of the reason she broke things off with Oliver. Or, well, actually, the entire reason. The truth is, she's always loved Clark, and no matter what she tried to tell herself or her blond billionaire ex a year before, that would never change. She's just learned to accept how things are, and deal with it. She just knew it wasn't fair to Oliver, so she'd broken it off.

That's also the reason why she's so nervous right now.

Why was he saying these things? Especially on the eve of his wedding to her COUSIN.

She sighs, closing the door. She slowly turns to face him, her arms still tight around her waist.

"So... talk. What the hell's going on here?" She asks the question, and takes note that he should be preparing for his wedding rehearsal, just as she was before he showed up at the door.

He takes a deep breath. "When I turned my back on you two years ago, and walked away to start my training, that was me."

"Well, that's comforting to hear, Clark."

"Wait... I have to tell you why. I have to make you understand."

She raises a brow. "What is there to understand, Clark? Lois had disappeared, and you felt like you had nothing left."

Clark shakes his head. "No... The only person I was thinking of when I left, Chloe, was you. It was my fault you were hurting. So I removed the problem- me. I left. And that guy who came back months later? That wasn't me."

Chloe stares at him, as if he's completely lost his mind. "Then who was it? Your freakin' evil twin? ...No, wait, Bizarro was destroyed. So-- enhh! Try again."

"Think about it, Chloe... I was so cold toward you... so mean. I even hurt you when I was on Red K... that's not me."

Chloe's face softens at his words, and she feels tears begin to well up in her eyes. This sounds so much like the old Clark, her Clark, and it makes her chest hurt.

"And don't you find it strange that, before, Lois was nothing more than my friend --barely my friend, really-- and suddenly I come back and I'm madly in love with her?"

Chloe shrugs a bit, sniffling. "I just thought it was because her disappearance made you realize how you felt about her, that's all."

He shakes his head again. "No... I found out the truth tonight, Chloe. It was the Fortress..."

Chloe forced a laugh. "So, what, the Fortress made you love Lois and treat me like shit?"

Clark lets out a sigh of exasperation, one she recognizes all too well from their early days. "Chloe, what I'm trying to tell you is... all these years, I thought the Fortress was controlled by Jor-El... that it was Jor-El, in some sense. But it's not."

She frowns, and puzzlement fills her features. "It's not? But who--?"


Clark says the name before she can finish the sentence and she gasps.


"Zod had some sort of device on him, hidden, when he was sent to the Phantom Zone. It somehow gave him the ability to control my ship after I came from it, and the caves, and the Fortress, once it was created. He revealed all last night. Every trial, every thing he put me through, he was testing me... trying to see if I could survive it... and ultimately he thought it would turn me into his... great ruler or conqueror or something. Just like I was always afraid of. And then, he wanted me to free him from the Phantom Zone, so we could rule together."

"Wow..." Chloe clears her throat. She can tell from Clark's expression and tone of voice that he's telling the truth. She knows him that well. "Sounds like Zod, for sure. And I'm guessing you weren't following his plans well enough?"

"Nope." Clark exhales. "The Fortress called me the night I left... and he told me it was time for my training. He somehow made me believe so many things... I was alone, and he fed so many things into my mind. Including that I loved Lois."

"But what... What does Lois have to do with it? She didn't even know your secret until recently. And that still doesn't explain why you treated me so poorly."

She can tell he's reached the hard part. He's swallowing hard and wringing his hands a bit.

"He said... he said you were the one who was supposed to lead me to my destiny... the one Jor-El had in mind for me. He said you would make it all possible, and that... he had to find a way to keep us apart." He's looking her dead in the eye as he speaks, and she feels her knees tremble. "He said it was easy to manipulate me, to confuse me. The love was already there, forming in my heart... he just convinced me it was for Lois. He made me believe she was only link to humanity... I even said that. But she wasn't. She isn't. It's you, Chloe. You make me feel human. You make me feel normal. You always did." He looks near tears himself, and she's aching, her lip quivering.

"B-But what about Lois? And... And- the Fortress... Zod?" she asks, tears finally falling. She can't hold back any more. It's all too good to be true... and yet she knows it's not a dream.

"The Fortress is gone, destroyed. I won't let it or Zod control me anymore." He sighs softly again. "And Lois... she understands. And she... it's different with her. She doesn't love Clark Kent, the man. She loves Clark Kent, the hero. That's why... she's tried to change me. She wants me to pretend to be this bumbling idiot... she wants me to be something that I'm not. Clark Kent is who I am. What the Blur is, what he stands for... that's what I do. And you... you always got that. And you loved the man before you ever knew the hero existed."

She's opening sobbing now, her hand over her mouth. "This... this can't be real, Clark. You can't be telling me that you love me. I must be dreaming..."

She's dreamed of this very moment for so long, and it still doesn't seem like it should be happening. After so many years, so many time he's broken her heart, this can't be her reality.

But it is.

And she knows it is when he breaks the distance between them, and lowers his head. His lips are so close to hers, his eyelids dropped as he looks down at her.

"I love you, Chloe." he whispers, his hands going to her arms, gently holding her close, his lips hovering over hers.

"I love you, too." She whispers breathlessly, incredulously.

His lips meet hers in a hard, passionate kiss, and she loses herself in his arms.

Yeah, this definitely isn't a dream.

Or, actually, it's a dream come true.
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