-Mother Nature sucks, but at least I have monday off.
-Funniest thing I saw this week: A priest running a red light in his car. I don't think Jesus approves.
-My account access to my UMass stuff has finally been restored after waiting over two day to have my password re-set.
-There is never a bad time for pizza.
It's not often, as a historian, I feel like I'm truly watching history in action. It's happened about seven times in my life. Watching Barack Obama tonight, I feel like number eight must be added. I've been for the man since my primary vote in Feb, and I've only stayed on. For me, Obama does represent change, even at the smallest level, and offers the change our country so desperately needs. Not just in politics. In a complete overhaul. I don't think Obama can bring that big of a change, the complete overhaul, but he sure as hell can start it.
Loved the "Eight is Enough" comment, and the start of the chanting. Also, Obama gets so many points for class.
Okay: Not so cool with the whole semi-not attack but...whatever on John McCain's military rep ("he won't even follow..into his cave), however, I totally agree with the ruin of America's rep to the rest of the world. Post 9/11 actions were the final big-ass nails in the coffin, the dirt being thrown in the grave, and the putting up of the headstone. It's going to be really difficult to come back from that, but we've got to try.
LOVE the part about American untiy, "They have not served for a Red America, or a Blue America, but the United States of America." Very good speech-writing and delivery there.
(Also, was I the only one who had a "Firefly" flashack when he said "Independents?")
Balance seems to be the theme of tonight's speech.
"Gay and lesbian brothers and sisters," Oh, Barack, I am sort of loving your right now, well, more than I did.
Well, the whole, "It's not about me, it's about you," he does have a small bit of a point. Most people just want someone different, right now, and don't even care really who it is, as long as it's someone not of a Bush or a Cheney.
One nitpick: Why must all these speeches be full of cliches?
Wow, he is really pushing the women's equality, and the women's vote.
Ah, there it is, the "I Have a Dream" mention. So awesome that it was 45 years ago today. I've listened to that speech so many times, and each times, I get tears in my eyes and shivers.
Speech ended much stronger than the start, you could tell he was feeding off the energy so much at the end.
Hmm, and now I wonder what the pundits will say?