Well, last monday at work for a while. It started off very slow, got really busy. Training people is always fun.
Rent issues, banking issues, personal issues, just plain issues. lj-cut for cursing
Dear Landlord Peeps,
You have got to be fucking kidding me. Okay, for two years I have turned my check into you early, and you've not cashed it until after the first of the month, like, you know, you're supposed to. So, yes, this month I made a query, b/c for me it was the 11th of the month, and you still had not cashed my check. I was in another country, had been on the other side of the Atlantic for many days, and for all I knew you'd left a note of my door telling me I hadn't even bothered to sign my rent check for August. This matter was cleared up quickly, for which I was grateful.
My concern, however, does not mean I want you to cash my rent check before the first of the month, b/c really, you just screwed me over. Considering the fact you charge me $830 a month for a studio, in Quincy, where I can't even control my own heat, have to pay a good bit of money to do laundry, have a storage unit in which leaking water has ruined many of my things, and can't take my trash out most weeks b/c you refuse to buy another bin, (not to mention the whole thing where your "trusted workers" stole my credit cards), I think you can cut me a bit less of the passive-agressive sarcastic bullshit. I had no friggin clue you were going to cash my rent check before september the first. Thank god I checked my banking account, or it's possible I would have overdrafted for the first time in my whole fucking life this weekend. When one expects to see well over $1,000 in her bank account, and instead sees something closer to $300, she has a major freak out. Esp. when just coming back from overseas. Next time, give your poor fucking tenant a head's up. I'm just really lucky that I do have space on my credit card to buy groceries this weekend, and my t-pass for september, have enough money coming in from work to more than cover the bills for the first half of september, and also have loan money coming in a few weeks. This really is the last thing I need when going into the start of a new, sure to be ass-kickingly stressful, semester. I guess I should be even more thankful that my books are bought and paid for my classes. That's about $300-500 right there. (Thank you, amazon marketplace used book dealers for your much more reasonable prices.)
In conclusion: Next month's rent will be turned in on September 29th. This appears to work best for boths of us. I can't believe that after two years of little to no problems with this complex, this year has been horrible for me.
What irks me even more is that since I planned on having two more paychecks come in before the rent was taken out (that's about $800, so basically, my rent in and of itself), I was going to go back to Lane Bryant this weekend and use my over $100 in Real Woman Dollars, to buy $200 worth of clothes and only have to pay $100 max. I planned on using my debit card to do this, but it seems like that will also be going on the credit card, since the "dollars" expire on the 7th and I would be REALLY stupid not to use them. Now, I'll just have to use the damn card, pay it off STAT once my paycheck post-labor day hits, and try not to, you know, have any major problems between now and...sometime mid-september. Oh, the life of a poor-ass struggling college student...who blew her own tight budget while on vacation, but still feels it was so totally worth it.
-have dropped netflix down to three-at-a-time again, saving approx $7-8/month. (Ever little bit helps).
-will strive to find another grocery store, since I think Shaw's really does charge more for their food.
-Am actually kind of happy that I got that 90-day prescription for the blood pressure meds. Yes, I bitched about the $60 at the time, but I'll get $40 from insurance and won't have to spend $22 for sept, oct, nov and most of dec.
-will stick with plan of putting at least $300 of loan money into savings, taking $700 to make at least $150 payments on 4 different pay-down bills. (damn you, computer, damn you.) Rest will do what it's meant to: pay rent.
-No more pre-orders until the new year. I will not cancel the four pre-orders I've already done, but no more until well into 2009.
-Once outcome is not so bleak, re-start $65 weekly transfer from checking to savings. Perhaps restart this after labor day.
But, HIMYM and "The Goat" makes the day slightly better.
::grumbles:: I suppose it's time to start pulling out the textbooks and see if I can force myself to start reading.
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