Feb 10, 2006 12:37
My team at work exists to redevelop a major ongoing process (I won't bore you with details). Each of us works on a particular industry or set of industries, in which we're doing simultaneous, end-to-end redevelopment. A few weeks ago, another one of my workmates left--the fourth since I started. The morning of his last day, our (new) boss took me aside to say she'd like me to finish off his industries on top of my own. I wasn't thrilled but didn't grumble too loudly. I got about 30 minutes of his time on a Friday afternoon when my brain was already shot to go over his files and see where things have been left.
I warned my boss that I had momentum in my current industries and wanted to try to get those finished off before moving onto this new work. Today I sat down and read an endless menu of documents and scanned over many spreadsheets of figures. I was struck with how incredibly dull my work is when you try to sit down and read it. It was like stereo manuals! It's not quite so bad when you're doing it because you're working on this little small issue or that little knotty problem. But all at once? ::shudder::