Mar 09, 2006 07:54
Two days ago there was sun on my face, now it is snowing and I don't even know if I will be able to get to school. It's March for pete's sake! Is seasonal weather really too much to ask for?
I just got an e-mail from one of the others in the cohort who has signed a letter of intent. I am glad to hear that she is going to be there next year. She is a really sweet person, who also seemed quite excited about hanging out with The Kids. She is finishing a M.Ed at UCLA right now.
I am still kind of stunned by the amount of funding USC is offering. Of course, it comes with conditions, but still it is better than I could have ever imagined. One of the obligations is that I have to work on an interdisciplinary committee to plan a speaker series that will bring three to four interdisciplinary scholars to campus. The first year will be the planning and the second year will be the actual implementation of the series. The other obligation is returning to my undergraduate institution for recruitment each summer. There are also several workshops that I will have to take part in to learn about various aspects of professional development like publication and grantsmanship.
So now I need to get on with the work of strategizing to get out of here. We have roughly four months, as I want to get to L.A. around a month before school begins. I think we could all use an adjustment period.
The first thing will be to tell The Girl's dad about moving. I'm going to wait until Spring break when everything here is a little more settled down-- so in a couple of weeks. I didn't even tell him about applying, so that might be tricky. My current plan is to leave The Kids elsewhere and meet him in a public place. Maybe tell him over coffee. I think I will plant friends in the coffee shop to be witness to any shenanagins. I will also accept any suggestions from the general public on how best to proceed. While he doesn't have any legal grounds to stop me, I anticipate he will try to make this very ugly. I just want to go into this prepared.
make new friends,
school daze