Jan 14, 2009 23:17
My livejournal is all fucked up. It looks like I'm posting to an angelfire forum from 1995. Everything is weird looking on my screen, in other words.
University is fun. I like being a student. I can't believe how fast the work load picks up. Maybe it's because I have a staggered semester with another school, so I'm just coming into finals in one school and just starting another. I appreciate how they arranged that.
I'm in one fluff class, one medium class, and one class that'll let you hang yourself in between classes if you step out of line. The one that'll kill your ass is my favourite, at least for now. If I didn't have two night school classes on top of this I'd be cruising.
One random factiod from each of my classes:
- Estrogen is the primary hormone in a woman's 28 day cycle until the 15th day, when it becomes Progesterone.
- Y=A(1/2)^t/h is the formula to calculate the half life of a radioactive isotope.
- Crows have colours that are only reflected in the ultraviolet spectrum, crows know this but we don't.
- In essay writing, a citation of your source doesn't mean you're at liberty to use the same words, phrases or structure. That's still plagarism.
- The first computer took up 1800 square feet, ran on vaccuum tubes and broke down every seven minutes.