Jan 16, 2009 01:53
I've been having the weirdest dreams.
I had a dream my Dad was going in for a heart transplant in two days. But he really wanted to keep working and pushing himself. He couldn't rest two days, and was most likely going to die because of this. So me and my brother decided to beat him up and keep him locked up inside the house. We'd force him to wait for that new heart.
I keep having dreams about unstable structures, like crumbling bridges in between mountains. Driving my car over them and trying to get to the other side before it falls. Or going to visit some one in a building, built upon a building, built upon an above ground parking garage (I always think they're going to collapse). And that's my new dorm room, where I need to check my email.
Carl Jung could interpret those messages from the universal subconscious. He'd say they're just me wanting to play dungeons and dragons.