(no subject)

Apr 02, 2009 09:55

Have remembered two key reasons I stopped vidding:

1. The painstaking sloooowness of it all, specifically, doing anything in Premiere on my increasingly pathetic laptop.

2. The horrors of trying to understand frame rates and render codecs and compression codecs and PAL vs NSTC and screen aspect ratios and avisynth…God, I seriously hate all this stuff. I can never quite believe how many people (and by people I mean vidders) presumably DO know that they're doing in these areas, because despite my very best efforts to educate myself, and many kind individuals' efforts to help me get around specific stumbling blocks, I'm forever running into what are (to me at least) completely inexplicable problems when it comes to getting source files, project settings and export settings to work together harmoniously. I wonder if I just have a very un-intuitive brain in this area. I haaaaaaate it. As much because it’s infuriating that I’ve not been able to get to grips with something that patently is get-to-grippable with, as because it prohibits me from getting on with the business of vidding itself.

Anyway, have now got to exercise some serious self restraint to stop myself attempting to solve problem 1 by buying myself a new computer. Thing is though, my current laptop is about three years old, with 1GB memory and 100GB hard disk. And for the surely bargainous price of £420, I could get myself a spanking new laptop with 4GB memory, 350GB hard disk and other such exciting features as firewire and TV-out ports. Hmm.

No. Must not give in. Am supposed to be saving all my money for French Adventure. It's more important that I be able to eat and house myself in a foreign country, than it is for me to have a shiny new toy to play with. Yes indeed.
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