(no subject)

Mar 08, 2009 12:23

Weirdly, I have started vidding again. I expect it will be ages until I actually finish anything, but in anticipation of that perhaps happening eventually, I've sorted out my web hosting situation. My vids are now back online, after having been basically unavailable for a couple of years, and can now be found at riverboat.powweb.com. Hurrah.

deadbutstillpretty.com (my old domain) is no more: sadly it now seems to point towards an "adult" website. I'm too lazy/cheap to try to re-register it for my own use, so I'm just using the above default domain for the foreseeable future.

Hope everything is good in the worlds of those on my friendslist! Not a lot to say from me, except that this summer I'm leaving the UK and moving to France for a year, which I'm very excited about. Until then though, all continues much the same in my life in London, albeit with much time spent frantically trying to improve my French, save as much money as I can, and work out what I'm going to do with all the tons of stuff I'm not going to be able to take with me...
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